Employee Pages
Purchases and procurements

Purchase order under a framework agreement

If one of UiB's framework agreements meet your need, you are obliged to use it.

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Purchase management system

The good or service must be ordered using UiB's purchase management system. An overview of local purchasers per unit can be found here.  

Local purchasers will find more information on how to proceed here (information currently only available in Norwegian).

Framework agreements have different terms and conditions

Framework agreements vary, and will have different terms and conditions. For instance, agreements can be made with just one or with multiple suppliers. Also, routines for placing orders and internal routines for how to proceed differ. Therefore, it is important for local purchasers to keeps themselves well informed about the terms and conditions of each agreement by using the agreement portal, Avtaleportalen. Some purchase orders must be placed by a technical department. If in doubt, please send an issue to the Procurement section (Seksjon for innkjøp) via Issue tracker. 

The tabs below contain information on frequently used agreements within different categories. An overview of all agreements can be found at Avtaleportalen.

Administrative purchases

The university has entered into many framework agreements. Please visit the avtaleportalen for more information. Some of the frequently used agreements are:

  • Emplyment services
  • Computer glasses/eye exams
  • Express and special freight services
  • Moving services
  • Gifts: Visual art and profiling articles
  • Office supplies and paper (NorEngros. Purchase order from punch-out catalogue in the purchase management system)
  • Seminar and conference service (new agreement - ANSK-2428-16)
  • Media surveillance
  • Translation and copy editing
  • Travel-related information (travel agency/flight/hotel/rental car/train) - Find more information on how to book a travel here.
  • Printing services
  • Printing services with print on demand
  • Web-based surveys

Information on other purchases where the university does not have an agreement is found under Frequently Asked Questions (Ofte stilte spørsmål). This is for instance the case with goods from Vinmonopolet.


Academic purchases

Laboratory equipment

The university has a framework agreement for delivery of laboratory equipment (ANSK-2236-15). There are multiple suppliers and different types of catalogues, see Avtaleportalen for more information.

Essential (bulk) chemicals and fine chemicals

The university has a framework agreement with Sigma Aldrich /Merch for delivery of the most common chemicals (ANSK-2034-13). Purchase orders can be placed using a punch-out catalogue in the purchase management system. See Avtaleportalen for information on which chemicals are included in the agreement. For entities in the Haukeland area, purchase orders must be placed via the chemical storage room (Kjemikalielageret) at the BBB, see the separate catalogue in the purchase management system (Sigma-lager-BBB).


The university has a framework agreement with Praxair (former Yaea Praxair) for delivery of gasses (ANSK-2050-13). Purchase orders are placed using an internal catalogue in the purchase management system. See Avtaleportalen for information on delivery terms.