Exhibitions temporarily closed
Due to restoration work on windows and facade of the Natural History Collections, some of the exhibitions in the museum building at Muséplass 3 will be temporarily closed for a short period of time.
The Natural History Collections
For practical and security reasons, the exhibitions in question will be closed for a short period of time, in all likelihood, for a couple of weeks. As the volume of the work is hard to predict, the closing period will vary for some of the exhibitions.
The Whale Hall
The exhibitions on the first floor of the north wing, Colonial Times and parts of the zoological exhibitions are at present not available to the public.
As of Monday 18 January 2010, the following exhibitions are temporarily closed: The Whale Hall, the Reptile Collection, and the Secrets of the Deep Sea. The work on the restoration and also on some of the material in the Whale Hall makes it difficult to keep these open to the public, for both practical and security reasons.
From 1 February onwards, the exhibitions on the ground floor of the north wing will be closed. These are: Quaternary Geology and the Mineral Collection.
Open exhibitions
The remainder of the exhibitions of the Natural History Collections will be open. These are: Exotic mammals, Pollen – so tiny – so great, Evolution of Man, When the Earth Quakes, Norwegian Birds, and Knuckles and Bones.
At the Cultural History Collections, all current exhibitions are open, and the ticket for Bergen Museum is valid for use at both museum buildings.
Welcome to Bergen Museum’s Natural and Cultural History Collections!