The Department of Biomedicine

News archive for The Department of Biomedicine

Best PhD prize 2019 – Andrea Gras Navarro - “Towards Natural Killer cellular Immunotherapy for glioblastoma. KIR-HLA ligand interaction and proteasome inhibitors to potentiate efficacy"
Professor Frits Thorsen and his research group at the ChiNor Research Laboratory has newly received a significant funding of 550 000 RMB over four years (equivalent to 200 000 NOK per year), from the China´s National Natural Science Foundation, for their ongoing research on exosome-derived miRNAs in brain metastases.
Actin is modified by N-terminal acetylation which regulates its role in steering cellular architecture and cell motility. Now the machinery performing this acetylation is uncovered.
Several variants of the NAA10 gene have been found in patients suffering from developmental delay and hemihypertrophy. NAA10 steers the most common protein modification in humans: N-terminal acetylation.
Rolf Bjerkvig of the group for translational cancer research has given a lecture at the Norwegian science festival "Forskningsdagene" in 2020. You can watch a video at the Norwegian Cancer Union.
Few people know the researchers Agnar Nygaard and Kjell Kleppe, but in the 1960s they were part of the world elite that laid the foundation for today's COVID-19 tests. Two permanent exhibitions about the pioneers have now been opened.
On Thursday 12th of March, the University of Bergen was shut down on short notice. Employees and students left their study and workplaces, worried about the recently declared pandemic situation and how the next weeks and months would be like.
BiSS is growing as a core facility, and we are quite happy that our users are satisfied.
UiB spin-off biotech company BergenBio announced that their drug bemcentinib is frast-tracked in a phase-II clinical trial as a potential treatment against COVID-19.
Have you ever considered doing a research stay abroad to broaden your scientific horizon? Postdoctor Sylvia Varland recently returned from a 2-year research stay at University of Toronto. Learn more about her scientific adventure and cultural experiences.
Actin is the most abundant protein in human cells and is involved in numerous functions including steering cellular architecture, cell motility and cell division. Recently, UiB researchers identified NAA80 as a long-sought actin regulator. Now, the structure of NAA80 bound to actin and profilin reveals its mechanism of action.
Exosomes released from the primary tumour into circulation have been documented to promote pre-metastatic niche formation. We have identified a miRNA in exosomes from melanoma brain metastases that can play a vital role in this process. Knock-down (KD) of this miRNA results in an inhibition of brain metastatic growth. We are in the process of identifying potential drugs inhibiting the expression... Read more
Research leaders at the Translational Cancer Research group have newly established a research collaboration with the HUST-Suzhou Institute for Brainsmatics, to study the development of brain tumors and brain metastasis.
During his Erasmus internship in the Arnesen lab, Tobias B. Beigl took great interest in his project on the recently identified NAA80 enzyme. Beigl was on an interesting and important research track and stayed on for a Master’s project trying to figure out why cells lacking NAA80 typically had a more fragmented Golgi apparatus. He recently published his findings in the scientific journal... Read more
Myelin, the insulative multilamellar sheath that enwraps axons, speeds up our nerve impulses by two orders of magnitude – a prerequisite for an efficient nervous system that we humans and other vertebrates enjoy. Myelin gains its structure and function from a high abundance of lipids and proteins, many of which are specific to this enigmatic biological system.
In human cells, N-terminal acetylation is among the most common protein modifications. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Bergen have revealed the structural and biochemical properties of the major molecular machine involved in this process. Cancer cells require this enzyme for survival and proliferation.
From 2 January, the ramp north of Haukeland University Hospital will be closed for cars, bikes and pedestrians for the whole year 2020.
