Center seminar on hypertension in women
Program: Monday 28.03.22 @ 12-13 Professor Eva Gerdts: Hypertension in women. Consultant PhD Grethe Åstrøm Ueland: Autonomous cortisol secretion – a new cause of treatment resistant hypertension in women? Plenary discussion. The seminar will be held in Norwegian

Main content
Center seminar on hypertension in women
Time Monday 28.03.22 @ 12-13
Place: Meeting room 8.1-8.2 Laboratory building 8th floor
Professor Eva Gerdts: Hypertension in women
Consultant PhD Grethe Åstrøm Ueland: Autonomous cortisol secretion – a new cause of treatment resistant hypertension in women?
Plenary discussion. The seminar will be held in Norwegian
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About the presenters:
Eva Gerdts is a professor in cardiology and chair the Center for research on cardiac disease in women. She is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and a pioneer in research on heart disease in women. Her research has focused on the association of hypertension with heart disease in women. The presentation will give an update on why hypertension is particularly dangerous to the female heart.

Consultant PhD Grethe Åstrøm Ueland is a specialist in endocrinology at section for endocrinology at Haukeland University Hospital. Her research focuses on autonomous cortisol secretion from the adrenal glands. This condition is prevalent, in particuler in women with hypertension and obesity. The condition is associated with treatment resistant hypertension. New treatment is now under development, and the presentation focuses on these and gives the background for a planned clinical study.