Employee Pages
Campus and buildings

Rules for use of premises

Specific rules have been adopted concerning the use of the University's premises for social gatherings, parties and informational/promotional activities.

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Rules for use of premises outside normal hours

Because of considerations such as fire safety, security and cleaning schedules, the Department of Estate and Facilities Management (EIA) must be notified of any academic/social event or party due to take place or continue after 8pm. You must send the EIA advance notification of all such activities. You must submit a separate application if your event will take place in a staffed cafeteria.

No notice is needed for student events taking place in student club premises.

The arranger of the event is responsible for familiarising him/herself with the relevant rules and ensuring that they are followed. The arranger must appoint representatives who will be responsible to the EIA.

The rules apply to all use of UiB's premises for social/academic gatherings, parties and similar events after normal hours. There are also rules for the use of the following types of premises:

Club premises

Rules for the use of club premises

The unit’s own premises

Rules for use of unit’s own premises outside normal hours

Notification form