Award to Elin Darelius on polar sciences
On Fridtjof Nansen's birthday, Elin Darelius was awarded by the Fram committee for her polar science, shared with Jan Inge Faleide at UiO.

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Elin Darelius receives the award for her outstanding research, were she combines sea-going oceanography, experimental work and numerical models.
Read also: Warm ocean current reaches surprisingly far south in the Weddell Sea (result published in Nature Communications 2016)
Recently she got the position as associate professor at the Geophysical Institute, where she now is heading the institute's long tradition of Antarctic research.
Darelius is both a hard working scientist, as well as a science communicator. From a number of research cruises to the Antarctic she has shared her experiences with school children and teachers, producing school tasks in mathematics and physics based on real research data.
Read her recent blog from the eight weeks of oceanographic tank experiments in Grenoble: "Elin Darelius & team's scientific adventures".
This is also publised at the web-pages of The Bjerknes Centre for climate research.