National Science Week
National Science Week (Forskningsdagene) takes place at the end of September every year. The festival presents a superb opportunity to showcase research in general and it´s impact on society.

Main content
National Science Week (20 September- 1 October 2023) is an annual national festival organised by the Research Council of Norway. In Bergen, the National Science Week are put on through a collaboration between the key research and educational institutions in the city, with UiB being the largest contributor. The National Science Week festival is an excellent opportunity to disseminate research to the public at large, and promote UiB research locally, regionally and nationally.
The main topic for 2023 is "Energy". This presents a superb opportunity to showcase research on sustainable energy resources, technology, politics, history, legal knowledge and finance, nutrition, cells, arts, literature and music, sports and mental health. However, we also welcome other fields of research to present their research topics and projects during the festival.
The overall objectives for the festival are to:
- create excitement about and understanding of research
- convey the impact of research and research results in our daily lives
- show connections between research, innovation and business
- create media interest
- help recruit youth to research-related professions
- though a range of events, people of all ages and levels of knowledge can gain insights into the world of research
Forskningstorget takes place on a Friday and Saturday at the end of September each year. Curious spectators of all ages get the opportunity to try, taste, ask questions, discuss, wonder or be surprised alongside enthusiastic researchers from tens of research communities in Bergen.
Forskningstorget is a fantastic venue for research dissemination. Researchers get to interact closely with the general public, and really have to challenge themselves to adapt their message to the target group.
Would you/your research group like to contribute? Please send an email to by 25 April.
Forsker Grand Prix
Forsker Grand Prix is the Norwegian championship in research dissemination for PhD candidates. As a participant, you get a fabulous opportunity to learn more about how you reach a large audience with your message. And, if you are doing your doctorate at UiB, you receive dissemination credits for participating. Don't miss this great opportunity to improve your dissemination skills!
NB:Coaching and joint sessions will be in Norwegian, however, you may do your presentation in English.
More benefits:
- Coaching, two joint sessions and three individual sessions
- Help to develop your storytelling and approach to conveying your message, camera training and media handling
- Become more attractive in the labour market: graduates have secured permanent employment as a result of Forsker Grand Prix
- Network in the Research Council of Norway and other academic communities
- Interdisciplinary network
- Apply by 30 April (application form in Norwegian only)
Forskningsdagene UNG
Forskningsdagene UNG targets pupils in upper secondary school in Bergen. The programme contains both lectures about current topics and conversations with researchers. The goal is to engage and involve these students in interesting and relevant research topics and to recruit youth to research-related professions. The goal is also to show that research is relevant to their lives and that knowledge shapes society and develops our democracy.
The event requires schools to sign up in advance.
Other events
Your own events during the week of the festival? Academic groups can organise other events during the festival period. Give notice of events to be included in the festival programme by 25 June.