
Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators

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The Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators (Norsk forvaltningspanel, NFP) is an internet-based study of public administrators. The study deals with matters that are important to society, public administrators and democracy. The panel is initiated and run by researchers from the leading research universities and institutions in Norway and is a non-profit project that aims to serve research goals.

NFP is a part of the new research infrastructure KODEM; Coordinated Online Panels for Research on Democracy and Governance in Norway (Koordinerte online paneler for forskning på demokrati og styresett i Norge).

Read more on the Norwegian webpages.

Bilde av Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift og KODEM-logoer

The first results from the pilot project Coordinated Online Panels are published

The pilot project KODEM_DEMO utilized the new national infrastructure KODEM for research on Norwegian democracy and governance. The first results have now been published in a special issue of Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift (The Norwegian Journal for Political Science).


New Sub-Population Panel: The Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators

DIGSSCORE is now running a new panel in a sub-population of importance for the structure of democratic governance.

Coordinated Online Panels


Coordinated Online Panels for Research on Democracy and Governance in Norway (KODEM) allows multiple projects to share common observational platforms (i.e. online panels).