Gifts to cancer research at Haukeland University Hospital may be donated here:
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(The information below was retrieved from the "Gåver og donasjoner" page on the Helse Bergen website.)
Gåver Helse Bergen
Postboks 1400
5021 Bergen
Account no: 3201.24.40714
VIPPS: 542516 - Gaver Helse-Bergen
Note: All payments must be marked with "KS 10298". Optionally, memorial gifts may in addition be labelled with the name of the departed.
It is also possible to donate directly to the Breast Cancer Group at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory by marking the payment with "KS 10298 - Brystkreftgruppen".
Donations to cancer research are collected in a scientific foundation to promote research. Scientific projects of high quality will be prioritized for fundings. The foundation gives financial support to both clinical and experimental cancer research.
The foundation is led by a board consisting of four senior physicians, the head of radiation therapy department, the head of medical physics department and the chief nursing officer. Fundings are allocated based on current articles of association and written applications to the board.
Accounts are audited by the accounting department at the hospital.
Tax deduction:
Foundation donors are entitled to a tax deduction.
To receive a deduction the following information needs to be stated:
- Name
- Social security number
- Postal address
Information should be sent to the Cancer Department to staff secretary Bjørg Algerøy.
The accounting department will then ensure that donations are reported to the the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Contact person:
Staff secretary Bjørg Algerøy, tel 55972070