Doctoral Defences
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9th November 2018
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
“Unequal Interdependencies: Exploring Power and Agency in Domestic Work Relations in Contemporary India”
22nd June 2017
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
“Public Participation in Tobacco Control Policy-making in Georgia”.
31st May 2017
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Child health and child care of very young children in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru".
18th January 2017
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
“The power of context in health partnerships: Exploring synergy and antagony between external and internal ideologies in implementing Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) for HIV prevention in Botswana”.
28th October 2016
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
“Results-Based Financing (RBF) in the health sector of a low-income country. From agenda setting to implementation: The case of Tanzania”.
4th September 2015
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Intimate partner violence among adolescents in South Africa and Tanzania".
Lecture 4th September 2015: "What promotes healthy partner relationships among adolescents and the role of cultural context in intervention responses."
19th May 2015
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"The Good Beating: Social norms supporting men’s partner violence in Tanzania."
Lecture 19th May 2015: "Discuss hegemonic social norms as 'non-state law' paying attention to the implications of the consent-coercion nexus in Gramsci's theory of hegemony with respect to women's resistance to the norms underpinning gender based violence."
19th March 2015
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Child Care Practices, Resources for Care, and Nutritional Outcomes in Ghana: Findings from Demographic and Health Surveys."
Lecture 19th March 2015: "In depth analysis of theoretical frameworks for understanding optimal child growth in developing country contexts."
18th March 2015
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Child physical growth and care practices in Kenya: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys."
Lecture 18 March 2015: "A critical examination of the impact of HIV and the (frequently changing) WHO guidelines on 'HIV and infant feeding' on child feeding practices in Kenya."
14th February 2013
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"At the frontiers of change? Women and girls’ pursuit of education in north-western Tigray, Ethiopia."
Lecture 14th February 2013: "What is visual anthropology that anthropology is not?"
27th November 2012
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"The Social Context of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in Uganda: Mothers’ and health care providers’ experiences and lessons for programme improvement."
Lecture 27th November 2012: "Challenges of offering lifelong antiretroviral therapy as a follow-on of programmes for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Uganda."
27th November 2012
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"The experience of job engagement and self-care among Ugandan nurses and midwives."
Lecture 27the November 2012: "Theories of job engagement and the applicability on Ugandan nurses and midwives - Theoretical validity."
9th November 2010
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Combining employment and child care: The subjective well-being of single women in Scandinavia and in Southern Europe."
Lecture 8th November 2010: "Exploring differences in well-being between single mothers in Scandinavia and Southern Europe with respect to gender roles, class and welfare state regimes."
26th February 2009
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Education in a Political Context. A study of knowledge processes and learning sites in the PKK."
Lecture 25th February 2009: "Theoretical and methodological dilemmas in researching the educational practices of a militant movement like PKK."
5th October 2006
Title of Doctoral Dissertation:
"Voluntary HIV counselling and testing uptake among primary school teachers in Mwanza, Tanzania: assessment of socio-demographic, psychosocial and socio-cognitive aspects."
Lecture 4th October 2006: "The interpretation of held perceptions towards voluntary counselling and testing for HIV/AIDS: A cross cultural discourse."
29th August 2006
Title of the Doctoral Dissertation
"Parental illness and loss to HIV/AIDS as experienced by AIDS orphans aged between 12-17 years from Temeke District, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A study of the children’s psychosocial health and coping responses."
Lecture August 28th, 2006: "Suggestions for evidence-based government policy aimed at improving the quality of life of HIV/AIDS orphans in Tanzania."
12th January 2006
Title of the Doctoral Dissertation
"Psychosocial discourses and responses to political violence in post-war Tigray, Ethiopia."
Lecture 11th January 2006: "Present and discuss recent psychological research on children's trauma reactions in western and non western cultures."