A new Research Council of Norway funded consortia project: TREAT C-AUD Child Alcohol Use Disorder in Eastern Uganda: Screening, diagnostics, risk factors and handling of children drinking alcohol began in 2019.
Main content
Alcohol and substance use disorders among pre-adolescent children is a neglected and under-researched area.
The TREAT child alcohol use disorder (C-AUD) consortium have been present in the research area for years and observed and identified alcohol use including alcohol dependency among children.
This project will investigate the magnitude of C-AUD and substance use in children, and related household, community, school, health system and clinical factors associated with the disorder, and suggest scalable changes in the health system for screening, diagnostic and treatment procedures in Uganda.
This research project will:
- adapt culturally appropriate and operational screening and diagnostic criteria for C-AUD;
- investigate the proportion of C-AUD among children age 6-13 years in the community and health system;
- investigate risk- and protective factors for alcohol and substance use in children;
- identify the gap in the health system's handling of the issue and suggest changes to the practises; and
- investigate C-AUD from the children and schools' point of view.
- Our research is explorative in nature aiming at getting a comprehensive understanding of the magnitude and related factors of alcohol and substance use in children.
We collaborate through the project with ministries, the communities, and the school and health system
Work packages
WP1 is Project Management
WP4 is the implementation issues comprising integration of results, dissemination and policy and implementation advice.
WP2 and WP3 comprise four larger quantitative and qualitative data collection areas
- WP 3.1: Community survey
- WP 3.2 Health system survey
- WP 3.3 School studies
- WP 3.4 Qualitative studies with children
Juliet Ndimwibo Babirye
School of Public Health, Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Ingunn Marie S. Engebretsen
Centre for International Health, University of Bergen
Marjorie Mukisa, PhD
School of Public Health, Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Neda Valeckaite (Medical Student Research Programme)
Centre for International Health, University of Bergen
Jutta Dierkes
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen
Norbert Skokauskas
Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Child Protection, Institute of Psychiatry, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar
Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) and Centre for International Health, University of Bergen
Joyce Sserunjogi Nalugya
Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital and Department of Psychiatry Makerere, College of Health Sciences
Harriet Aber
School of Public Health, Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Victoria Bakken
Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Child Protection, Institute of Psychiatry, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Vilde Skylstad
Centre for International Health, University of Bergen
Melf-Jakob Kühl
Centre for International Health, University of Bergen
Thanks to the leadership and research administration at MakSPH, CIH, UiB and NTNU and our funder: The Research Council of Norway
Project number: 285489

Picture: Meeting in Kampala December 2023 From the left behind: Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar, Melf-Jacob Kühl, Ingunn Marie S. Engebretsen, Neda Valeckaite, Juliet Babirye, Marjorie Mukisa and Harriet Aber-Odonga
Vilde Skylstad, Joyce Nalugya and Norbert Skokauskas not present.