Sustainability in an urbanising world
The future is urban – and the future is already here!

Main content
More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities. This poses a range of social and environmental challenges for citizens, planners and policy makers for the sustainable development of each city as well as at the global scale.
GEO222 Sustainability in an Urbanising World examines how global flows of capital, resources, ideas and people shape uneven global development, with a particular focus on urbanization.
The course emphasizes human geographical perspectives on place, space and scale to address the development of such regional, national and global inequalities.
Students will become familiar with current processes of change and conflicts at different scales, and the forces behind changes in place, related to urban planning, social action, resources and energy consumption, environment and the climate, climate and energy transformation, economic development, migration and production of meaning.
Through examples given in lectures, students will get to know contemporary challenges for the development of sustainable cities and communities.