Conference report on "Nordic legal culture – myth or reality?"
5 students have written a report on the "Nordic Legal Culture: Myth or Reality?"-conference, which the Research Group held in June 2023.
Front from left: Louisa Torsteinsdatter Hersvik, Marie Larsgård
Back from left: Vemund Straum, Håkon Overå Sætre, Vilde Lind Norvik
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Published: 30.01.2024
In June 2023, the Research Group for Legal Culture organized a conference on Nordic legal culture, legal history and comparative law at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, with internationally leading researchers in the field. Afterwards, 5 students have written a report on the conference, which is now ready for publication. The report covers a number of topics, which were raised during the conference.
Louisa Torsteinsdatter Hersvik, Marie Larsgård, Vemund Straum, Håkon Overå Sætre and Vilde Lind Norvik are behind the report.