Research group for Legal Culture
Research master thesis

Do you want to write a research master's thesis on legal history, legal culture or comparative law?

Apply for a master's grant associated with the legal culture research group in connection with the research master's thesis (JUS397).


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What can the research group offer?

The research group for legal culture can offer in-depht follow-up and participation for graduate students interested in writing a master's thesis. The research group is an active and social community, and are welcoming all graduate's who write in the field of legal history, comparative law and legal culture. We have good experience in providing guidance and input to students during the master's process, with particular insight into the opportunities that result from participation in the faculty's research line.

The research group can also assist with choosing a topic and designing a project outline. Feel free to contact Professor Sören Koch or postdoctoral fellow Brage Thunestvedt Hatløy if you have any questions.



The research group for legal culture would like to get in touch with graduate student who are interested in writing a larger master's thesis connected to the research line (70p), on a topic within legal history, legal culture or comparative law.

More information about the research line see here.