Publications 2008
Main content
1. Arnesen, Sveinung.
Always with the drama. Stat og styring 2008 (3) s. 20-22
2. Arnesen, Sveinung; Grendstad, Gunnar; Vestrheim, Eirik.
Ingen sviktende prediksjoner. Morgenbladet 2008 (31. okt)
3. Berntzen, Einar.
Frankrike. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 239-255
4. Berntzen, Einar.
Italia. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 260-279
5. Berntzen, Einar.
Reducing the Perils of Presidentialism in Latin America through Presidential Interruptions. Comparative politics 2008 ;Volum 41.(1) s. 83-101
6. Berntzen, Einar.
Romania. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 343-358
7. Berntzen, Einar.
Spania. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 280-293
8. Berntzen, Einar.
Sveits. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 194-209
9. Berntzen, Einar.
Tyskland. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 225-238
10. Berntzen, Einar.
Østerrike. I: Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1. s. 210-224
11. Berntzen, Einar; Heidar, Knut; Bakke, Elisabeth.
Politikk i Europa. Partier, Regjeringsmakt, Styreform. Universitetsforlaget 2008 (ISBN 978-82-15-01284-1) 386 s.
12. Christensen, Dag Arne; Midtbø, Tor; Ringkjøb, Hans Erik; Aars, Jacob.
To valg med ny personvalgordning - Kontinuitet eller endring?. Bergen: Rokkansenteret 2008 146 s. Rapport - Rokkansenteret(9)
13. Dahle, Espen.
Udemokratiske Russland. Bergens Tidende 2008
14. Een, Arild.
Explaining Cross-National Variation in Voter Turnout. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller 2008 (ISBN 978-3-639-07253-2) 117 s.
15. Engene, Jan Oskar; Nordenhaug, Iselin.
Fra fattigdom til urettferdighet i terrorismebekjempelsen. Vårt land 2008 s. 24-25
16. Ervik, Rune; Kildal, Nanna; Kuhnle, Stein.
Knowledge-bearing groups, epistemic communities and the development of normative benchmarking. Historical and contemporary perspectives. I: Norms and institutional design: Social security in Norway and South Africa. Stellenbosch: Sun Press 2008 ISBN 9781920109578. s. 83-93
17. Gloppen, Siri.
Litigation as a strategy to hold governments accountable for implementing the right to health. Health and Human Rights: An International Journal 2008 ;Volum 10.(2)
18. Gloppen, Siri.
Public Interest Litigation, Social Rights, and Social Policy. I: Inclusive States. Social Policy and Structural Inequalities. Washington DC: World Bank 2008 ISBN 978-0-8213-6999-9. s. 343-368
19. Gloppen, Siri; Kazimbazi, Emmanuel; Kibandama, Alexander.
Elections in Court: The Judiciary and Uganda's 2006 Election Process. I: Electoral democracy in Uganda : understanding institutional processes and outcomes of the 2006 multiparty elections. Kampala: Fountain Publishers 2008 ISBN 9789970026708. s. 53-89
20. Grendstad, Gunnar.
Causal Complexity and Party Preference. I: Selecting Research Methods. Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods series. Vol 4: Methods for Analysing and Reporting Results.. Sage Publications 2008 ISBN 978-1-84787-180-0. s. 159-183
21. Grendstad, Gunnar.
Comparing Political Orientations. Grid-Group Theory versus the Left-Right Dimension in the 5 Nordic Countries. I: The Institutional Dynamics of Culture, Volumes I and II. Ashgate 2008 ISBN 978-0-7546-2617-6.
22. Grendstad, Gunnar.
Forutsigbarhet i USA. Bergens Tidende 2008 (30 jan) s. 2:14-
23. Grendstad, Gunnar.
The Contemporary Presidency: And we will know their greatness by the trail of controversy: Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt and their increasingly contested successors. Presidential Studies Quarterly 2008 ;Volum 38.(3) s. 476-490
24. Grendstad, Gunnar.
Velgerne. I: Amerikansk Politikk. Politisk system og politisk tenkning.. Abstrakt forlag 2008 ISBN 9788279351801. s. 142-178
25. Grendstad, Gunnar; Vestrheim, Eirik.
McCain er dømt til å tape. Dagens næringsliv 2008 (14. aug) s. 3-
26. Grendstad, Gunnar; Vestrheim, Eirik.
Obama vinner også i 2012. Bergens Tidende 2008 s. B.35-
27. Grendstad, Gunnar; Vestrheim, Eirik.
Prediksjon av amerikanske presidentvalg: 2008 post mortem og 2012 prediksjonen. Stat og styring 2008 (4) s. 54-56
28. Grendstad, Gunnar; Vestrheim, Eirik.
Svak økonomi og negativ gjenvalgseffekt svekker McCain. Stat og styring 2008 (4) s. 15-19
29. Grindheim, Jan Erik.
Evig krig for evig fred? folkerettens moralske dilemma. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2008 ;Volum 24.(1/2) s. 7-33
30. Grindheim, Jan Erik; Engene, Jan Oskar.
Hvordan bør staten merkes?. Stat og styring 2008 (4) s. 20-22
31. Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
Changing working life and the appeal of the extreme right. European Sociological Review 2008 ;Volum 24.(2) s. 269-270
32. Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Acta Politica 2008 ;Volum 43.(4) s. 501-503
33. Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
Populists in Power: Attitudes toward immigrants after the Austrian Freedom Party entered government. I: New Parties in Government: In power for the first time. Routledge 2008 ISBN 9780415404990. s. 175-188
34. Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
“What Unites the Populist Right in Western Europe? Re-examining grievance mobilization models in seven successful cases". Comparative Political Studies 2008 ;Volum 41.(1) s. 3-23
35. Kiiza, Julius; Makara, Sabiti; Rakner, Lise.
Electoral democracy in Uganda : understanding institutional processes and outcomes of the 2006 multiparty elections. Kampala: Fountain Publishers 2008 (ISBN 9789970026708) 302 s.
36. Kuhnle, Stein.
Anmeldelse av Jon Arne Dølvik, Tone Fløtten, Gudmund Hernes and Jon Hippe (red) "Hamskifte: Den norske modellen i endring" (Oslo, Gyldendal, 2007). Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2008 ;Volum 11.(3) s. 221-224
37. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Den nordiske modell". I: Kåre Willoch - en debattbok. Oslo: Kagge forlag 2008 ISBN 9788248907930. s. ?-
38. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Hvem tjener på mørketallene?". Bergens Tidende 2008
39. Kuhnle, Stein.
"The concept of the welfare state". I: Norms and institutional design: Social security in Norway and South Africa. Stellenbosch: Sun Press 2008 ISBN 9781920109578. s. 9-22
40. Kuhnle, Stein.
"The Role of Civil Society for the Development of the Nordic Welfare States". Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare 2008 ;Volum 7.(1) s. 1-28
41. Kuhnle, Stein.
"Utvandringens pris". Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2008
42. Kuhnle, Stein; Selle, Per.
"Historical relations between voluntarty organizations and government in Norway". I: Norms and institutional design: Social security in Norway and South Africa. Stellenbosch: Sun Press 2008 ISBN 9781920109578. s. 137-144
43. Larsen, Stein Ugelvik.
Meldungen aus Norwegen. Die geheimen Lageberichte des Befehlshabers der Sicherheitspolizei und des SS i Norwegen. 3 volumes. München: Oldenburg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH 2008 (ISBN 978-3-486-55891-3) 1701 s.
44. Lindén, Tord Skogedal; Berven, Nina.
Velferd på amerikansk. Bergens Tidende 2008 s. 14-14
45. Lærum, Ole Didrik; Kuhnle, Stein.
"Naboskap eller tvangsekteskap?". Bergens Tidende 2008
46. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Executive-Legislative Deadlocks in the Dominican Republic. Latin American Politics and Society 2008 ;Volum 50.(2) s. 131-160
47. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Las consecuencias sobre el régimen de las interrupciones presidenciales en América Latina. América Latina Hoy 2008 ;Volum 49. s. 31-50
48. Marsteintredet, Leiv.
Obama vant, de homofile tapte. Bergens Tidende 2008
49. Marsteintredet, Leiv; Berntzen, Einar.
Reducing the Perils of Presidentialism in Latin America through Presidential Interruptions. Comparative politics 2008 ;Volum 41.(1) s. 83-101
50. Marsteintredet, Leiv; Yri, Jørgen.
Når den døde taler. Om Den dominikanske republikk og dyrkingen av Haiti som fiende. Corriente del Golfo 2008 ;Volum 5. s. 184-217
51. Mochmann, Ingvill C.; Larsen, Stein Ugelvik.
"Children born of war": The life course of children fathered by German soldiers in Norway and Denmark during WWII - Some empirical results. Historical Social Research 2008 ;Volum 33.(1) s. 347-363
52. Nordenhaug, Iselin; Engene, Jan Oskar.
Norge i kamp mot terrorisme. Universitetsforlaget 2008 (ISBN 9788215013299) 172 s.
53. Nordenhaug, Iselin; Engene, Jan Oskar.
Norsk terrorliste urealistisk. Bergens Tidende 2008
54. Olivier, Marius; Kuhnle, Stein.
"Developing a normative framework for effective and efficient social security provisioning: an institutional perspective". I: Norms and institutional design: Social security in Norway and South Africa. Stellenbosch: Sun Press 2008 ISBN 9781920109578. s. 1-7
55. Olivier, Marius; Kuhnle, Stein.
Norms and institutional design: Social security in Norway and South Africa. Stellenbosch: Sun Press 2008 (ISBN 9781920109578) 300 s.
56. Schiller, Christof; Kuhnle, Stein.
"The Erosion of the Institutional Pillars of the German Sozialstaat". Korean Journal of Policy Studies 2008 ;Volum 23.(1) s. 73-103
57. Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Marginalisering eller integrering? Samisk politisk interesse og deltakelse. I: Flernivåstyring og demokrati. Fagbokforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-450-0771-8. s. 189-220
58. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
Do Our Citizenship Requirements Impede the Protection of Political Asylum Seekers? A Comparative Analysis of European Practices. Edwin Mellen Press 2008 (ISBN 978-0-7734-5032-5) 456 s. hors série(0)
59. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
Political Asylum and Sovereignty Sharing in Europe. Government and Opposition 2008 ;Volum 43.(2) s. 206-229
60. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
Political Asylum and the Multi-Level, Plural Forms of Sovereignty in Europe. Eurosphere Working Papers 2008 ;Volum 1.(7) s. -
61. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
Positioning the Diversity Perspective. Eurosphere Working Papers 2008 ;Volum 1.(1) s. -
62. Sicakkan, Hakan G..
The Boundaries of Political Rights in Europe. Eurosphere Working Papers 2008 ;Volum 1.(4) s. -
63. Strømsnes, Kristin.
"The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital". Social Compass 2008 ;Volum 55.(4) s. 477-496
64. Strømsnes, Kristin.
The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital. Social Compass 2008 ;Volum 55.(4) s. 478-496
65. Svåsand, Lars G; Kiiza, Julius; Tabaro, Robert.
Organising parties for the 2006 elections. I: Electoral democracy in Uganda : understanding institutional processes and outcomes of the 2006 multiparty elections. Kampala: Fountain Publishers 2008 ISBN 9789970026708. s. 201-230
66. Svåsand, Lars G; Makara, Sabiti; Rakner, Lise.
Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the re-introduction of a multiparty system in Uganda. I: Electoral democracy in Uganda : understanding institutional processes and outcomes of the 2006 multiparty elections. Kampala: Fountain Publishers 2008 ISBN 9789970026708. s. 262-286
67. Wallace, Claire; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Introduction: European Identities. Perspectives on European Politics and Society 2008 ;Volum 9.(4) s. 378-380
68. Wollebæk, Dag; Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Endringsprosesser i norsk frivillighet: En kunnskapsoversikt. Bergen: Rokkansenteret 2008 (ISBN 978-82-8095-058-1) ;Volum 2008.58 s. Rapport - Rokkansenteret(6)
69. Wollebæk, Dag; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Voluntary associations, trust, and civic engagement: A multilevel approach. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2008 ;Volum 37.(2) s. 249-263