Publications 2005
Main content
1. | Berven, Nina; Kuhnle, Stein. National politics and cross-national ideas : welfare, work and legitimacy in the United States and Norway. Bergen: UiB 2005 200 s. UiB |
2. | Demker, Marie; Svåsand, Lars G. Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgång och fall i Norge och Sverige. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag 2005 (ISBN 9189449762) 474 s. UiB |
3. | Engene, Jan Oskar. Ytre høyre: Valgtaperne. I: Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgång och fall i Norge och Sverige. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag 2005 ISBN 9189449762. s. 219-240 UiB |
4. | Gloppen, Siri. Introduction. I: Roads to Reconciliation. Lexington Books 2005 ISBN 0-7391-0904-9. UiB |
5. | Gloppen, Siri. Roads to Reconciliation. Lexington Books 2005 (ISBN 0-7391-0904-9) 360 s. UiB |
6. | Gloppen, Siri. Roads to Reconciliation: A Conceptual Framework. I: Roads to Reconciliation. Lexington Books 2005 ISBN 0-7391-0904-9. UiB |
7. | Gloppen, Siri. Sobre el derecho de resistencia en contextos de privaciones severas. Como deberia reaccionar el Estado?. I: El derecho a resistir el derecho. Buenos Aires: Miño y Davila editores 2005 ISBN 84-95294-94-X. s. 99-116 UiB |
8. | Gloppen, Siri. Social Rights Litigation as Transformation: South African Perspectives. I: Democratising Development: The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2005 ISBN 9004148213. UiB |
9. | Gloppen, Siri. Social rights litigation as transformation: South African perspectives. Bergen: Chr Michelsens Institutt 2005 17 s. UiB |
10. | Gloppen, Siri. South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an international model. I: Writing Rights: Human Rights Research at the Chr. Michelsen Istitute 1984-2004. Fagbokforlaget 2005 ISBN 82-450-0302-6. s. 172-188 UiB |
11. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Velfungerende demokrati i Bergen. Morgenbladet 2005 s. - UiB |
12. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Viktigere enn Bush. Bergens Tidende 2005 UiB |
13. | Grendstad, Gunnar. Viktigere enn Bush. Fædrelandsvennen 2005 s. - UiB |
14. | Grendstad, Gunnar; Vågnes, Øyvind. Bilder fra Slagmarken. Bergens Tidende 2005 UiB |
15. | Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth. Immigration Policies and Party Organization: Explaining the Rise of the Populist Right in Western Europe.. : Department of Politics and IR and Nuffield College, University of Oxford 2005 205 s. UiB |
16. | Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth. “The Vulnerable Populist Right Parties: No Economic Realignment Fuelling Their Electoral Success”. European Journal of Political Research 2005 ;Volum 44. s. 465-492 UiB |
17. | Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth. ”Threatened by diversity: Why Restrictive Asylum and Immigration Policies to Voters in Western Europe”. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 2005 ;Volum 15.(1) s. 21-45 UiB |
18. | Kildal, Nanna; Kuhnle, Stein. "Introduction". I: "Normative Foundations of the Welfare State: The Nordic experience". Routledge 2005 ISBN 0-415-34943-5. s. 1-9 UiB |
19. | Kildal, Nanna; Kuhnle, Stein. "Normative Foundations of the Welfare State: The Nordic experience". Routledge 2005 (ISBN 0-415-34943-5) 262 s. UiB |
20. | Kildal, Nanna; Kuhnle, Stein. "The Nordic welfare model and the idea of universalism". I: "Normative Foundations of the Welfare State: The Nordic experience". Routledge 2005 ISBN 0-415-34943-5. s. 13-33 UiB |
21. | Kuhnle, Stein. Global Ideas Matter, Local Power Decides? Guest Editor's Introduction. Global Social Policy 2005 ;Volum 5.(1) s. 5-7 UiB |
22. | Kuhnle, Stein. Nordic Welfare States: Characteristics and Challenges. I: Social Policy Development in South Eastern Europe: Outside Influences and Domestic Forces. Bergen: Rokkansenteret 2005 ISBN 82-8095-033-8. s. 107-114 UiB |
23. | Kuhnle, Stein. Preface. I: Social Policy Development in South Eastern Europe: Outside Influences and Domestic Forces. Bergen: Rokkansenteret 2005 ISBN 82-8095-033-8. s. 5-5 UiB |
24. | Kuhnle, Stein. Social Policy Development in South Eastern Europe: Outside Influences and Domestic Forces. Bergen: Rokkansenteret 2005 (ISBN 82-8095-033-8) 120 s. Rapport - Rokkansenteret(2) UiB |
25. | Kuhnle, Stein. Sozialsysteme im Wandel. I: Hundert Jahre deutsch-norwegische Begegnungen. Nicht nur Lachs und Würstchen. Berlin: Berliner-Wissenschafts-Verlag 2005 ISBN 3-8305-1073-X. s. 85-87 UiB |
26. | Kuhnle, Stein; Brömmling, Ulrich. Einleitung: Nah dran: Politik und Soziales. I: Hundert Jahre deutsch-norwegische Begegnungen. Nicht nur Lachs und Würstchen. Berlin: Berliner-Wissenschafts-Verlag 2005 ISBN 3-8305-1073-X. s. 70-71 UiB |
27. | Larsen, Stein Ugelvik. Introduction. I: Theory and Methods in Political Science. First steps to synthesize a discipline. Columbia University Press 2005 ISBN 0-88033-998-5. s. 9-42 UiB |
28. | Larsen, Stein Ugelvik. The Convergence Thesis. I: Theory and Methods in Political Science. First steps to synthesize a discipline. Columbia University Press 2005 ISBN 0-88033-998-5. s. 553-574 UiB |
29. | Larsen, Stein Ugelvik. The Freezing Thesis. I: Theory and Methods in Political Science. First steps to synthesize a discipline. Columbia University Press 2005 ISBN 0-88033-998-5. s. 45-67 UiB |
30. | Larsen, Stein Ugelvik. The iron law of oligcarchy. I: Theory and Methods in Political Science. First steps to synthesize a discipline. Columbia University Press 2005 ISBN 0-88033-998-5. s. 385-407 UiB |
31. | Larsen, Stein Ugelvik. Theory and Methods in Political Science. First steps to synthesize a discipline. Columbia University Press 2005 (ISBN 0-88033-998-5) 646 s. UiB |
32. | Marsteintredet, Leiv. Cómo fortalecer la gobernabilidad democrática a partir de la reforma de los sistemas de gobierno presidenciales en América Latina? El caso de la República Dominicana.. I: Hacia el fortalecimiento de la gobernabildad democratica. Washington DC: Universidad de Georgetown - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos 2005 ISBN 0-8270-4904-8. s. 211-223 UiB |
33. | Midtbø, Tor; Christensen, Dag Arne. "Når angrep blir et forsvar. En kritikk av Helleviks "Kritikk". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2005 ;Volum 46.(4) s. 554-564 UiB |
34. | Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise. Dilemmas Connected to Recognising Customary Law and Courts in South Africa. I: Human Rights and Local/Living Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2005 ISBN 90-04-13876-5. s. - UiB |
35. | Raaum, Nina C.. Gender Equality and Political Representation: A Nordic Comparison. West European Politics 2005 ;Volum 28.(4) Suppl. September 2005 s. 872-897 UiB |
36. | Rakner, Lise. Figthing Poverty in Africa: are PRSPs making a difference. Journal of Modern African Studies 2005 ;Volum 43.(3) s. 492-493 UiB |
37. | Rakner, Lise. Stuck in Transition: Electoral Processes in Zambia 1991-2001. Democratization 2005 ;Volum 12.(1) s. 85-105 UiB |
38. | Rakner, Lise; Wang, Vibeke. The accountability function of supreme audit institutions in Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania. Bergen, Norway: Chr. Michelsen Institute 2005 UiB |
39. | Selle, Per. Davie's J-curve. When do revolutions take place?. I: Theory and Methods in Political Science. First steps to synthesize a discipline. Columbia University Press 2005 ISBN 0-88033-998-5. s. 303-316 UiB |
40. | Selle, Per. Nye tonar i ei ny tid. I: Fred er ei det beste. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk forlag 2005 ISBN 82-05-35195-3. s. 121-129 UiB |
41. | Selle, Per. Styringsreform i sikte. Er regionalisering løysinga?. I: Sterke regioner - forskning og reform. Fagbokforlaget 2005 ISBN 82-450-0312-3. s. 131-168 UiB |
42. | Selle, Per; Tranvik, Tommy. State and Citizens in Norway: Organizational Society and State-Municipal Relations. West European Politics 2005 ;Volum 28.(4) s. 852-871 UiB |
43. | Selle, Per; Wollebæk, Dag. Women's power under threat? Voluntary organizations in transition. I: Democracy and the Role of Associations. Routledge 2005 ISBN 04-153-2548-X. s. 197-218 UiB |
44. | Stensli, Hans Olav. Maritime Security - the Achilles Heel of Western Society. Kortinfo fra DNAK 2005 (2) s. 1-4 UiB |
45. | Stensli, Hans Olav. "The Naval Dilemma of the Early 21st Century", Security Policy Library 4-2005. Securitry Policy Library 2005 (4) s. 1-31 UiB |
46. | Svåsand, Lars G; Demker, Marie. Den nordiska fempartimodellen: En tilfallighet eller ett fundament?. I: Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgång och fall i Norge och Sverige. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag 2005 ISBN 9189449762. s. 9-37 UiB |
47. | Svåsand, Lars G; Demker, Marie. Partiene som institusjoner i demokratiet. I: Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgång och fall i Norge och Sverige. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag 2005 ISBN 9189449762. s. 39-50 UiB |
48. | Svåsand, Lars G; Demker, Marie. Partisystemenes utviklingslinjer. I: Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgång och fall i Norge och Sverige. Stockholm: Santérus Förlag 2005 ISBN 9189449762. s. 375-388 UiB |
49. | Svåsand, Lars G; Rakner, Lise. Stuck in Transition: Electoral Processes in Zambia 1991-2001. Democratization 2005 ;Volum 12.(1) s. 85-105 UiB |
Svåsand, Lars G; Wørlund, Ingemar.
Wollebæk, Dag. Wollebæk, Dag; Selle, Per. |