Funding for migration research
Hakan G. Sicakkan member of international research group that receives funding for research initiative on hidden migration in the context of global economic, social and political transformations.

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Together with a group of researchers associated with the Worldwide Universities Network, assoc. professor Hakan G. Sicakkan of the Dep. of Comparative Politics has received funding for an international project to develop a method of measuring the effect of migration policy. In particular, the group will focus on hidden migration and vulnerable migrant groups.
Hidden migration
“This is a research incubation initiative, meaning that we will conduct an exploratory research, before extending the project with more funding on a later stage,” says Sicakkan. The purpose of the exploratory research is to initiate an investigation of 'Hidden migration' in the context of global economic, social and political transformations.
The project will complement the work of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), which has recently established a Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) in Berlin. The research network will specifically respond to the urgent need for a scientific framework to inform and guide the search for qualitative and quantitative data in these domains. For these purposes, the project is bringing together migration and asylum researchers and data scientists.
Hidden migration, irregular migration and forced migration are already key concerns in discussions and collaboration between national governments and the IOM.
From all the world to Maastricht and Bristol
The first activity of the research group will be a stream of three panels on Hidden, Irregular and Forced Migration, at the WUN Migration Conference in Maastricht on 2nd/3rd April 2016. The second activity will be a symposium to be held in Bristol in November
Researchers from fifteen universities around the world will attend these activities.