
UNESCO Chair: Sustainable heritage and environmental management

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Inger Måren and UNESCO Chair logo

Who: Dr. Inger Måren holds The UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management - Nature and Culture (appointed in 2017).
Purpose: The UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management shall promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation on sustainable heritage and environmental management, with a special focus on UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and The Man and the Biosphere Programme.

The UNESCO Chair is part of UNESCO's international network UNITWIN of the UNESCO/UNITWIN Chairs programme, including almost 800 Chairs at 700 institutions in 116 countries, covering universities across the world and a wide range of topics.

Through this network, higher education and research institutions all over the globe pool their resources, both human and material, to address pressing challenges and contribute to the development of their societies. In areas lacking expertise, chairs and networks also contribute to strengthening North-South-South cooperation.


BECOME Featured in New UNESCO Report

The UNESCO Chair project BECOME, is one of the initiatives mentioned in the newly published UNESCO report “The Earth Network: sharing tools for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in UNESCO-designated sites”, where they present a toolkit of practices that support both the 2030...

New paper
Figure showing the interactions across spatial scales and governance levels.

Co-creating cultural narratives for sustainable rural development: a transdisciplinary learning framework for guiding place-based social-ecological research

The CULTIVATE project recently had its first paper published in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. In this paper, the authors present a novel...


Dialogue meeting: Municipalities and the GBF

In December, the BIOSPHERE project group held a dialogue meeting about the Global Biodiversity Framework goals with stakeholders from the Nordhordland municipalities as the finally of the resilience assessment that has been taking place this autumn.


Wrapping Up the CULTIVATE Project

After 3,5 years, the CULTIVATE project is coming to an end. During the first week of November, members of the UNESCO Chair Group met the other project partners for a final event in Edinburgh hosted by the Centre for Mountain Studies at the University of Highlands and Islands, followed by a last...


Resilience Assessment in Alver

This autumn, the UNESCO Chair project BIOSPHERE are researching how Norwegian municipalities can work with the Global Biodiversity Framework, and use Alve – the biggest municipality of Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere – as an example. They held their first of three meetings about this in September.


The UNESCO-UiB contract outlines the framework and responsibilities of the UNESCO Chair at UiB.