Useful links
Web resources for the Sustainable Development Agenda and other UN/UNESCO initiatives
Main content
- The UNESCO/UNITWIN Chairs Programme:
UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme
- Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB):
Man and Biosphere programme (MAB)
- Norway's first UNESCO Biosphere Reserve - Nordhordland UNESCO Biosphere:
- GRIND - UiB's knowledge portal for landscape, environment, natureal and cultural heritage:
GRIND - a gateway to the landscape
- Bergen city is now part of UNESCO's Creative Cities of Gastronomy:
Bergen UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy
- Norway's first UNESCO Chair - Victoria Thoresen:
UNESCO Chair at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Conference for all European and North-American Biosphere Reserves:
- UNESCO has developed a framework to showcase their commitment to teh conservation of biodiversity:
UNESCO's Commitment to Biodiversity
- More info on the World Network of Biosphere Reserves:
World Network of Biosphere Reserves 2017-2018
- The Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO (2017-2020) consists of 8 members appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research:
The Norwegian UNESCO Commission
- Norway has eight sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List:
UNESCO World Heritage in Norway
- The Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikvaren or Direktoratet for kulturminneforvaltning) is a government agency responsible for the management of cultural heritage in Norway:
Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage
- The Norwegian Environment Agency’s primary tasks is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, manage Norwegian nature and prevent pollution:
- SDG Bergen is a University of Bergen strategic initiative to engage with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG Bergen (University of Bergen)
- The United Nations Association of Norway (UNA Norway) provides information on topics related to the United Nations, and relevant international issues:
UNESCO-UiB contract