Institutt for biovitenskap (BIO)
New master's

Presentasjon av masteroppgave, Maud Ødegård Sundt: Validation of a species-specific eDNA-based test system for detecting non-indigenous American lobster Homarus americanus


Thursday 16. December, Maud Ødegård Sundt presents her master's thesis in Biology, entitled:

Validation of a species-specific eDNA-based test system for detecting non-indigenous American lobster Homarus americanus


  • Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren (NORCE)
  • Aud Larsen (NORCE)
  • Vivian Husa (Havforskningsinstituttet)
  • Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt (Havforskningsinstituttet)

The presentation is open to the public.  Welcome!