Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi


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Examination information


Here you will find information regarding examinations at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Studenter sitter ved hver sin pult i et eksamenslokale og venter


Here you will find practical information regarding written exams at the Faculty of Science and Technology:

Exam registrations

  • You register for exams at the Studentweb.
  • The deadlines for registering for your exams are 1 February (spring semester) and 1 September (autumn semester).
  • It is you own responsibility not to register for exams that are held on the same day.


Examination overview

  • The information regarding exams is available at the Studentweb. Here you will find your candidate ID for each exam, time and date, and location. View the education plan, available via 'studies' in the menu, and push the 'show details'-button next to the exam registrations.
  • The time and date for your written exams are also published in the examination overview and locations. Choose your faculty and check the list. on this page you will also find suggestions regarding transport to the locations.
  • Read carefully the information regarding examinations at the University of Bergen and the instructions to the candidates.
  • Information on the various locations where UiB hold written exams is available here.
  • Some written exams at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are digital. Please make sure that you have the proper equipment and are otherwise prepared for digital examinations.
  • If the course you are attending has an oral exam or semester paper, you will find information about your exam on MittUiB.

Academic integrity

The fundamental values for academic activities at UiB are openness, verifiability, scientific integrity and critical discussion. Therefore, cheating or any attempt made at cheating during an exam or otherwise during your studies may have extensive impacts.

Please read carefully the instruction regarding use of sources and plagiarism at UiB. The adacemic way of conduct at The University of Bergen may differ from what you are used to at your home university. The University of Bergen has made a brochure about cheating and academic integrity which you can download here.

Exam results explanation and appeals

The result of your exam will be announced on Studentweb three weeks after the exam date, holidays not included.

The highest grade achieved in a course during a study programme period is the valid grade on your diploma. Courses failed or without a valid grade are not presented on the diploma.

You may ask for an explanation of the grade within one week after the grade was announced. If you wish to appeal about the grade, you may do so within three weeks after the grade was announced, or three weeks after you received an explanation of grade. Please read more about explanation of the grade and appeal of exam at this page.

By using the Diploma Registry, you can collect your results from higher education in Norway and share them with potential employers, educational institutions and other relevant recipients. This service replaces transcripts of records from UiB. You can find more information on this page.

Withdrawing from an exam/New evaluation

The deadline for withdrawing from an exam is 14 days before the examination date. You can withdraw from an examination on Studentweb. Note that withdrawal during an exam counts as an attempt.

New evaluation

You may sign up for a new attempt at an exam, provided that you have not spent three attempts and that all mandatory work is valid. The validity of mandatory work varies in duration depending on the course, and is explained on the course home page.

All courses have ordinary examinations both semesters.

For courses with teaching both semesters:
Examinations are arranged at the end of the semester. Early exams are only arranged for students with valid reasons of absence and must be applied to sit. Contact your department before the semester starts.

For courses with teaching spring or fall:
Examinations are arranged at the end of the semester with teaching and at the beginning of the semester without teaching.

3-Time regulation/Fourth attempt

You can only sit for an exam in a course 3 times. If the registration is withdrawn at least 14 days before of the examination date, this will not count as an attempt.

Fourth attempt

According to the supplementary regulations for examinations at the Faculty of Science and Technology a student can only sit 3 times for an exam in a specific course. A fourth attempt may be granted under special circumstances. Guidelines are found in the application form.

Application deadline: 1 September for the autumn semester. 1 February for the spring semester.

Application form is found here

Exam in English?

 If you are attending courses not listed as taught in English, you need to apply in writing one (1) month before the exam if you want to sit that exam in English. The department decides whether the request is granted or not.

There is no application form, please write a letter with your name, student number, the name of the course and that you wish to take the exam in English. Please send the application to the department responsible for the exam/course.

Examination support materials/Dictionary

Examination support materials:

Permitted examination support materials is stated in the course description, and on the examination question paper.


If non-programmable calculators are permitted, the following rules apply: The calculator

- may not be programmable in any way

- should not be able to send/receive information

- may not be plugged into any electrical outlets.

- must be noise free


For courses allowing all calculators, the following rules applyThe calculator

- should not be able to send/receive information

- may not be plugged into any electrical outlets.

- must be noise free


It is not permitted to bring manuals, program descriptions, set programs or other extra equipment.

It is your responsibility to obtain a permitted calculator

Use or possession of not permitted examination support materials will be regarded as cheating.

Random checking of examination support materials during the exam may occur.


You can bring a dictionary to written exams.

The dictionary:
- must  be a general language dictionary (e.g. translation of words from German to English)
- must not be a technical dictionary, chemistry dictionary e.g.
- cannot be lexical (i.e. contain definitions or facts)
- must include translations to one of the following l languages: English or one of the Scandinavian languages
- must not be an electronic dictionary

Dictionaries are handed in at the Information Centre in Realfagbygget (Allégaten 41), minimum one week (5 working days) before the exam for validation. They are handed out at the exam(s).