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Courses at Faculty of Science and Technology
AKTUA399 / Master's thesis in Actuarial Science
BIF100 / Introduction to Aquatic Medicine and Aquaculture
BIF101 / Organismal Biology in Aquatic Medicine and Aquaculture
BIF200 / Aquaculture Technology
BIF210 / Molecular Biology Methods
BIF301 / Practical aquaculture
BIF310 / Profesjonsutøvelse og praksis i fiskehelse
BINF100 / Introduction to bioinformatics
BINF200 / Analysis of biological sequences and structures
BINF201 / Introduction to Omics
BINF301 / Genome-scale algorithms
BINF305 / Systems Biology
BINF389 / Selected Topics in Bioinformatics
BINFPHD901 / Genome-scale algorithms
BINFPHD905 / Systems Biology
BIO100 / Introduction to Evolution and Ecology
BIO101 / Organismal Biology 1
BIO102 / Organismal Biology 2
BIO103 / Cell Biology and Genetics
BIO104 / Comparative Physiology
BIO201 / Ecology
BIO203 / Introduction to Aquaculture
BIO205 / Regulations, Management and Practical Training in Aquaculture
BIO205A / Regulations and Management in Aquaculture
BIO206 / Fish Nutrition
BIO207 / Seafood Microbiology
BIO208 / Environmental Impact of Aquaculture
BIO210 / Evolutionary Biology
BIO212 / Marine Community Ecology - Organisms and Habitats
BIO213 / Marine ecology, environment, and resources
BIO214 / General Microbiology
BIO216 / Toxicology
BIO217 / Microbial Ecology
BIO219 / Molecular microbiology
BIO225 / Marine Benthic Fauna
BIO230 / Plant Systematics, Morphology and Evolution
BIO241 / Behavioural Ecology
BIO250 / Palaeoecology
BIO260 / Cultural Landscapes of Scandinavia
BIO270 / Fish Diseases - Parasites
BIO271 / Fish Diseases - Virology
BIO272 / Fish Diseases - Bacteria, Fungi and Non-Infectious Diseases
BIO273 / Fish Immunology
BIO274 / Fish Diseases - Pharmacology
BIO275 / Fish Histopathology
BIO280 / Fish Biology I - Systematics and Anatomy
BIO291 / Fish Biology II - Physiology
BIO297 / Field Course Teaching
BIO298 / Workplace Practice in Biology
BIO299 / Research Practice in Biology
BIO300A / Academic Writing
BIO300B / Biostatistics
BIO301 / Current Topics in Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology
BIO302 / Biostatistics II
BIO303 / Ordination and Gradient Analysis
BIO309 / Marine Flora
BIO315 / Selected Topics in Microbiology
BIO316 / Selected Topics in Environmental Toxicology
BIO318 / Current Geobiological Topics
BIO324 / Fish Behaviour
BIO325 / Ocean Science
BIO332 / Phylogenetic Methods
BIO335 / Population Genetic Methods
BIO339 / Ecosystem and Fisheries Assessment Models
BIO340 / Selected Topics in Fisheries and Marine Biology
BIO341 / Biodiversity
BIO356 / Stock monitoring and responsible harvesting
BIO364 / Plant functional traits international fieldcourse
BIO370 / Cell and Developmental Biology
BIO382 / Aquatic Food Production
BIO399 / Master's Thesis in Biology
BIO399K / Master's Thesis in Biology
BIODI300 / Biology education
BIODID220 / Biology Education
BIODID220-P / Biology Education
BIOPHD900B / Biostatistics
BIOPHD932 / Phylogenetic Methods
DIGI111 / Algorithms and programming
DIGI112 / ICT-security
DIGI118 / Introduction to data visualization
DIGI611 / Algorithms and Programming
DIGI612 / ICT-security
DSC219 / Internship in data science
DSC300 / Project management in Data Science
DSC316 / Data deep dive
DSC399K / Master's Thesis
ENERGI101 / Introduction to Energy Resources and Consumption
ENERGI102 / Life cycle analysis
ENERGI230 / Environment and Energy
ENERGI240 / Practical training
ENERGI251 / Scientific writing and communication
ENERGI255 / Numerical Techniques for Process Technology
ENERGI257 / Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
ENERGI261 / Fundamentals of Reservoir Physics
ENERGI300 / Energy Resources and Use
ENERGI321 / Offshore Wind Energy - part 1
ENERGI322 / Offshore Wind Energy - part 2
ENERGI351 / Scientific writing and communication
ENERGI352 / Combustion Physics
ENERGI353 / Introduction to Multiphase Systems
ENERGI356 / Thermodynamic techniques for separation technology
ENERGI360 / Energy physics and Technology
ENERGI364 / Experimental Reservoir Physics
ENERGI365 / Multi phase flow simulation in porous media
ENERGI366 / Fundamentals of Natural Gas Hydrates and Practical Implications
ENERGI399 / Master's Thesis in Energy
ENERGI399I / Master's Thesis in Energy
ENERGI399K / Master's Thesis in Energy
ENERGIPHD951 / Scientific writing and communication
ENERGIPHD964 / Experimental Reservoir Physics
ENERGIPHD965 / Multi phase flow simulation in porous media
FARM110 / Chemistry and Energy
FARM124 / Chemical Synthesis and Analysis
FARM130 / Organic Chemistry
FARM211 / Physical chemistry for pharmacy
FARM236 / Medicinal Chemistry
FARM238 / Pharmacognosy
FARM250 / Analytical Chemistry
FISK399 / Master's Thesis in Aquamedicine
GEOF100 / Introduction to the atmosphere, ocean and climate
GEOF105 / Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean
GEOF110 / Atmosphere, ocean and climate dynamics
GEOF210 / Data Analysis in Meteorology and Oceanography
GEOF211 / Numerical Modelling
GEOF212 / Physical Climatology
GEOF220 / Physical Meteorology
GEOF232 / Practical Meteorology and Oceanography
GEOF236 / Chemical Oceanography
GEOF301 / An Introduction to Master's Studies
GEOF310 / Turbulence in the Atmospheric and Ocean Boundary Layer
GEOF311 / Turbulence in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
GEOF313 / Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean
GEOF321 / Models and Methods in Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction
GEOF322 / Field Course in Meteorology
GEOF328 / Mesoscale Dynamics
GEOF336 / Advanced Chemical Oceanography
GEOF337 / Physical Oceanography in Fjords
GEOF338 / Polar Oceanography
GEOF339 / Advanced Ocean Dynamics
GEOF343 / Wind Generated Surface Waves
GEOF346 / Tidal dynamics and sea level variations
GEOF347 / Seminar on "Earth system science for sustainability studies"
GEOF348 / Advanced Climate Dynamics
GEOF351 / Seminar in Atmospheric Sciences
GEOF352 / Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics
GEOF399 / Master's Thesis in Meteorology and Oceanography
GEOFPHD938 / Polar Oceanography
GEOFPHD951 / Seminar in Atmospheric Sciences
GEOFPHD952 / Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics
GEOV101 / Introduction to Geology
GEOV102 / Excursions and Practicals in Geology
GEOV103 / Geochemical Systems: Building Blocks of Earth and Life
GEOV104 / Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics
GEOV107 / Introduction to Sedimentology
GEOV109 / Introduction to Geochemistry
GEOV110 / Introduction to Earth surface processes and paleoclimate
GEOV111 / Geophysical Methods
GEOV112 / Physics of the Solid Earth
GEOV113 / Seismic Reflection Data: Acquisition and Processing
GEOV114 / Introduction to geobiology
GEOV181 / Introduction to Earth Science and Informatics
GEOV205 / Geographical Information Systems: Theory and Practice
GEOV210 / Plate Tectonics
GEOV217 / Geohazards
GEOV218 / Rock Physics
GEOV222 / Palaeoclimatology
GEOV225 / Field Course in Quarternary Geology and Palaeoclimate
GEOV230 / Glacial geology and geomorphology
GEOV231 / Marine Geological Field-and Laboratory Course
GEOV241 / Microscopy
GEOV242 / Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
GEOV243 / Environmental geochemistry
GEOV245 / Geomicrobiology
GEOV251 / Advanced Structural Geology
GEOV252 / Field Course in Geological Mapping
GEOV254 / Geodynamics and Basin Modelling
GEOV261 / Basin analysis and subsurface interpretation
GEOV265 / Global and Applied Geophysics
GEOV272 / Seismic Interpretation
GEOV274 / Environmental and Reservoir Geophysics
GEOV276 / Introduction to Theoretical Seismology
GEOV277 / Signal analysis and inversion in the earth sciences
GEOV281 / Field Geomatics
GEOV298 / Geo Internship
GEOV300 / Scientific writing and communication in Earth Science
GEOV302 / Data analysis in earth science
GEOV316 / Practical Skills in Remote Sensing and Spatial analysis
GEOV322 / Master Level Field Excursion in Quaternary Geology
GEOV324 / Polar Palaeoclimate
GEOV325A / Glaciology
GEOV329 / Quaternary geochronology
GEOV331 / Palaeoceanography
GEOV336 / Field and Laboratory Course in Quarternary Geology
GEOV341 / Thermochronology and Tectonics
GEOV342 / The geochemical toolbox
GEOV344 / Geobiology and evolution of life on Earth
GEOV350 / Geodynamics and Plate Tectonic Processes
GEOV352 / Field course in reservoir geology
GEOV355 / Observational earthquake seismology
GEOV360 / Advanced clastic sedimentology
GEOV361 / Sequence Stratigraphy and Source-to-Sink
GEOV362 / Integrated tectonics and sedimentology field course
GEOV364 / Advanced basin analysis
GEOV375 / Advanced Applied Seismic Analysis
GEOV399 / Master's Thesis in Earth Science
GEOV399K / Master's Thesis in Geoscience
GEOV601 / Innføring i geofag og berekraft: Jordas struktur og indre prosesser
GEOV602 / Innføring i Geofag og bærekraft: Overflateprosesser, hav og klima
GEOV603 / Innføring i Geofag og bærekraft: Geofag i praksis
GEOVPHD924 / Polar Palaeoclimate
GEOVPHD964 / Advanced basin analysis
HAVB399 / Master's Thesis in Aquaculture
HOSP-GEOV / Science Project in Earth Science
HTEK101 / Introduction to Ocean Environment
HTEK102 / Practical Training in Ocean Technology
HTEK201 / Measurement Technology
HTEK202 / Laboratory course in measurement technology and instrumentation
HTEK301 / Selected Topics in Ocean Technology
HTEK399 / Master's Thesis in Ocean Technology
HTEKPHD901 / Selected Topics in Ocean Technology
INF100 / Introduction to programming
INF101 / Object-oriented programming
INF102 / Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming
INF112 / Introduction to Systems Development
INF113 / Introduction to operating Systems
INF115 / Databases and modelling
INF122 / Functional Programming
INF140 / Introduction to Cybersecurity
INF142 / Computer Networks
INF143A / Applied Cryptography
INF161 / Introduction to Data Science
INF170 / Modelling and Optimization
INF207 / Social Networks Theory
INF210 / Modelling of Computing
INF214 / Concurrent programming
INF218 / Self-selected Project in Informatics I
INF219 / Project in informatics I
INF220 / Software Specification
INF221 / Advanced functional programming
INF222 / Programming Languages
INF223 / Category Theory
INF225 / Introduction to Program Translation
INF226 / Software Security
INF227 / Introduction to Logic
INF234 / Algorithms
INF235 / Complexity Theory
INF236 / Parallel Programming
INF237 / Algorithms Engineering
INF240A / Basic Tools for Coding theory and Cryptography
INF241 / Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Cryptography
INF242 / Information theory
INF243 / Algebraic Coding
INF244 / Graph-based Inference, Networks and Coding Theory
INF245 / Computational Number Theory and Asymmetric Cryptography
INF247 / Introduction to Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Ciphers
INF249 / Advanced Cybersecurity
INF250 / Foundations of data-oriented visual computing
INF251 / Computer Graphics
INF252 / Visualization
INF253 / Visual Data Science
INF264 / Introduction to Machine Learning
INF265 / Deep Learning
INF270 / Linear Programming
INF271 / Combinatorial Optimization
INF272 / Nonlinear Optimization
INF273 / Metaheuristics
INF289 / Selected Topics in Energy Informatics
INF311 / Selected topics in Computer Science education and outreach
INF312 / Selected topics in Computer Science Education and outreach
INF319 / Project in informatics II
INF319A / Project in informatics II
INF328 / Elements of Programming Languages
INF329 / Selected Topics in Programming Theory
INF329A / Selected Topics in Programming Theory
INF334 / Advanced Algorithmic Techniques
INF339 / Selected Topics in Algorithms and Complexity
INF339A / Selected Topics in Algorithms and Complexity
INF347 / Selected Topics in Cryptology
INF347A / Selected Topics in Cryptology
INF348 / Selected Topics Computer Security
INF349 / Selected Topics in Information Theory and Coding Theory
INF358 / Seminar in Visualization
INF367 / Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
INF367A / Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence II
INF368 / Selected Topics in Machine Learning
INF368A / Selected Topics in Machine Learning
INF379 / Selected Topics in Optimization
INF399 / Master's Thesis in Informatics
INF399K / Master's Thesis in Informatics
INF620 / Introduction to programming module 1
INF621 / Innføring i programmering modul 2
INF624 / Introduction to cybersecurity
INF626 / Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
INF630 / Course in basic programming
INFDID210 / Didactics of computer Science
INFPHD940A / Basic Tools for Coding theory and Cryptography
INFPHD945 / Secure Information Systems
INFPHD947 / Selected Topics in Cryptology
INFPHD967 / Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence
INFPHD967A / Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence II
INFPHD973 / Metaheuristics
INNOV201 / Innovation by Design Thinking
ITØK170 / Energy and environmental physics
ITØK320 / Supply Chain Analytics
KJEM109 / Basic Chemistry
KJEM110 / Chemistry and Energy
KJEM120 / Chemistry of the Elements
KJEM124 / Chemical Synthesis and Analysis
KJEM130 / Organic Chemistry
KJEM202 / Environmental Chemistry
KJEM203 / Petroleum Chemistry and biofuels
KJEM210 / Chemical Thermodynamics
KJEM214 / Surface and Colloid Chemistry
KJEM215 / Molecular Physical Chemistry
KJEM220 / Molecular Modelling
KJEM221 / Quantum Mechanics
KJEM225 / Experimental Design and Analysis of Multivariate Data
KJEM231 / Advanced Organic Chemistry
KJEM232 / Experimental Organic Synthesis
KJEM235 / Structural elucidation of organic molecules
KJEM238 / Natural Product Chemistry
KJEM243 / Organometallic Catalysis
KJEM250 / Analytical Chemistry
KJEM260 / Radiochemistry and Radioactivity
KJEM291 / Scientific Communication
KJEM299 / Bachelor's Project in Chemistry
KJEM323 / Selected topics in many-electron theory
KJEM324 / Selected topics in theoretical chemistry
KJEM326 / Selected topics in Chemometrics
KJEM350 / Quantitative organic analysis
KJEM351 / NMR-Spectroscopy
KJEM352 / Selected topics in NMR spectroscopy
KJEM361 / Theoretical and practical single crystal X-ray structure determination
KJEM399 / Master's Thesis in Chemistry
KJEM399K / Master's Thesis in Chemistry
KJEMDI300 / Chemistry education
KJEMDID220 / Chemistry Education
KJEMDID220-P / Chemistry Education
KJEMPHD920 / Molecular Modelling
KJEMPHD952 / Selected topics in NMR spectroscopy
KPDAG3 / Teacher practicum day 3
KPDAG5-MN / Teacher practicum day 5 for math. and natural sciences
KPDAG8-MN / Teacher practicum day 8 for math. and natural sciences
MAB399 / Master's Thesis in Mathematics
MAB399K / Master's Thesis in Mathematics
MAT100 / Introduction to mathematics
MAT101 / Elementary Calculus I
MAT102 / Elementary Calculus II
MAT105 / Matematikk for naturvitenskap
MAT111 / Calculus I
MAT112 / Calculus II
MAT121 / Linear Algebra
MAT131 / Differential Equations
MAT160 / Introduction to Numerical Methods
MAT211 / Real Analysis
MAT212 / Functions of Several Variables
MAT213 / Functions of a Complex Variable
MAT214 / Complex Analysis
MAT215 / Theory of Measure and Integration
MAT220 / Algebra
MAT221 / Discrete Mathematics
MAT224 / Commutative Algebra
MAT225 / Number Theory
MAT227 / Combinatorics
MAT228 / Algebraic structures for differential equations, computations and flows
MAT229 / Algebraic Geometry I
MAT230 / Dynamical Systems
MAT232 / Functional Analysis
MAT234 / Partial Differential Equations
MAT235 / Vector and Tensor Analysis
MAT236 / Fourier Analysis
MAT242 / Topology
MAT243 / Manifolds
MAT244 / Algebraic Topology
MAT251 / Classical and Computational Mechanics
MAT252 / Continuum Mechanics
MAT253 / Fluid mechanics
MAT254 / Flow in Porous Media
MAT260 / Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
MAT261 / Numerical Linear Algebra
MAT262 / Image Processing
MAT264 / Computational Science II
MAT265 / Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems
MAT292 / Project in Mathematics
MAT311 / General Functional Analysis
MAT323 / Representation Theory
MAT326 / Algebraic geometry II
MAT327 / algebraic geometry III
MAT330 / Topics in Applied and Computational Mathematics
MAT331 / Topics in Analysis
MAT342 / Differential Geometry
MAT343 / Selected Topics in Topology
MAT345 / Cohomology
MAT360 / Finite Element Methods and Domain Decomposition
MAT361 / Conservation Methods for Hyperbolic Differential Equations
MAT362 / Conservation Methods for Elliptical Differential Equations
MAT399 / Master's Thesis in Mathematics
MAT399K / Master's Thesis in Mathematics
MAT600 / Forkurs i matematikk for Erfaringsbasert Master
MAT601 / Mathematics for teachers, grade 8-13, level 1A
MAT602 / Mathematics for teachers, grade 8-13, level 1B
MAT611 / Discrete Mathematics, the history of mathematics and digital learning resources
MAT612 / Selected topics in mathematics, the history of mathematics and digital learning resources
MAT625 / Computational thinking and programming in mathematics
MAT641 / Discrete Mathematics
MAT642 / History of Mathmatics - mathematics in the ancient times
MAT643 / The history of Mathmatics - mathematics in modern times
MAT644 / Algebra
MAT647 / Didactical modelling
MAT650 / Master's Thesis in Mathematics Education
MAT690 / Master seminar in Mathematics Education
MAT699 / Master's Thesis in Mathematics Education
MATDI300 / Mathematics Education
MATDID210 / Mathematics Education 1
MATDID210-P / Mathematics Education 1
MATDID220 / Mathematics Education 2
MATDID220-P / Mathematics Education 2
MATDID350 / Selected topics i Mathematics Education
MATPHD923 / Representation Theory
MATPHD944 / Algebraic Topology
MATPHD953 / Fluid mechanics
MATPHD954 / Flow in Porous Media
MATPHD960 / Finite Element Methods and Domain Decomposition
MATSIRK / Matematikksirkelen
MNF130 / Discrete Structures
MNF201 / Science in today's world
MNF367 / Research methods in science education and critical reading of research literature
MNF990 / Theory of Science and Ethics
MNPED101 / Introduction to peer teaching for teaching assistants and group leaders
MNPED102 / Peer teaching for math tutors
MNPED660 / Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education
MOL100 / Introduction to Molecular Biology
MOL102 / Experimental Molecular Biology I
MOL103 / Gene structure, function and applications
MOL200 / Metabolism: Reactions, Regulations and Compartmentalization
MOL201 / Molecular Cell Biology
MOL204 / Applied Bioinformatics
MOL210 / LIPIDS: molecular, cellular and biochemical properties in health and diseases
MOL213 / Developmental Genetics
MOL214 / Molecular biology of the nervous system¿
MOL217 / Applied Bioinformatics II
MOL220 / Techniques, model systems and current research topics in molecular biology
MOL222 / Experimental Molecular Biology II
MOL231 / Project in Molecular Biology
MOL232 / Innovation in industrial biotechnology
MOL270 / Bioethics
MOL300 / Practical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
MOL310 / Structural Molecular Biology
MOL399 / Master's Thesis in Molecular Biology
MOLPHD913 / Developmental Genetics
MTEK100 / Introduction to Medical Technology
MTEK200 / Practical Training in Medical Technology
MTEK320 / Flow chemistry and technology
MTEK330 / Quality assurance of chemical analyses
MTEK399 / Master's Thesis in Integrated Masters programme in Medical Technology
NANO161 / Introduction to nanotechnology and -instrumentation
NANO244 / Material- and nanochemistry
NANO299 / Bachelor's Project in Nanotechnology
NANO399 / Master's Thesis in Nano Science
NATDI300 / Adaptive science teaching
NATDID210 / Learning in science
NATDID210-P / Learning in science
NATDID211 / Quality in teaching science
NATDID212-P / Science education - teaching quality in theory and practice
NATDID220 / Science Education
NATDID220-P / Science Education
NORAINF903 / Geometric Deep Learning
PHYS101 / Basic Course in Mechanics and Thermodynamics
PHYS102 / Basic Course in Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics
PHYS109 / Introduction in Astrophysics
PHYS111 / Mechanics 1
PHYS112 / Electromagnetism I
PHYS113 / Mechanics 2 and Thermodynamics
PHYS114 / Basic Measurement Science and Experimental Physics
PHYS116 / Signal and System Analysis
PHYS117 / Project in Physics
PHYS118 / Modern physics I
PHYS119 / Modern physics II
PHYS201 / Quantum Mechanics
PHYS203 / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
PHYS204 / Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS205 / Electromagnetism II
PHYS206 / Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
PHYS208 / Solid State Physics
PHYS212 / Physics of Medical Imaging
PHYS213 / Medical Physics in Radiotherapy
PHYS222 / Analogue Integrated Circuits
PHYS223 / Digital Integrated Circuits
PHYS231 / Physics of Radiation
PHYS232 / Experimental Methods in Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYS241 / Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYS251 / Near Earth Space
PHYS252 / Experimental Methods in Space Physics
PHYS261 / Atomic Physics
PHYS263 / Laboratory Course in Optics
PHYS264 / Atmospheric and Marine Optics
PHYS271 / Acoustics
PHYS272 / Acoustic Transducers
PHYS273 / Marine acoustics
PHYS291 / Data Handling in Physics
PHYS298 / Research Practice in Physics at CERN
PHYS299 / Bachelor Project in Physics
PHYS301 / General Relativity
PHYS321 / Design av komplekse elektroniske system
PHYS333 / Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics
PHYS335 / Heavy Ion Physics at Intermediate and High Energies
PHYS341 / Selected Topics in Experimental Particle Physics
PHYS342 / Quantum Field Theory
PHYS350 / Space Plasma Physics
PHYS352 / Selected Topics in Ionospheric Physics
PHYS372 / Selected Topics in Non-Linear Acoustics
PHYS373 / Acoustic Measurement Systems
PHYS374 / Theoretical Acoustics
PHYS391 / Data Systems for Experimental Physics
PHYS399 / Master's Thesis in Physics
PHYS399K / Master's Thesis in Physics
PHYSDI300 / Facilitation of learning in physics
PHYSDID220 / Teaching and learning in Physics
PHYSDID220-P / Teaching and learning in Physics
PHYSPHD904 / Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYSPHD908 / Solid State Physics
PHYSPHD921 / Design av komplekse elektroniske system
PHYSPHD922 / Analogue Integrated Circuits
PHYSPHD923 / Digital Integrated Circuits
PHYSPHD935 / Heavy Ion Physics at Intermediate and High Energies
PHYSPHD941 / Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYSPHD952 / Experimental Methods in Space Physics
PHYSPHD961 / Atomic Physics
PHYSPHD963 / Laboratory Course in Optics
PHYSPHD964 / Atmospheric and Marine Optics
PHYSPHD973 / Marine acoustics
PHYSPHD974 / Theoretical Acoustics
PHYSPHD991 / Data Systems for Experimental Physics
PRO399 / Master's Thesis in Process Technology
PROG399 / Master's Thesis in Joint Master's Programme in Software Engineering - collaboration with HVL
PTEK312 / Selected Topics in Petroleum Technology
PTEK350 / Explosion Hazards in the Process Industries
PTEK354 / Dust Explosions in the Process Industries
PTEK399 / Master's Thesis in Petroleum Technology
PTEK620 / Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
PTEKPHD950 / Explosion Hazards in the Process Industries
PTEKPHD951 / Risk Analysis - Methods and Application
PTEKPHD954 / Dust Explosions in the Process Industries
QAL399B / Master's Thesis in Quality in the Analytical Laboratory
RAS601 / Recirculation in aquaculture (RAS)
REALDI100-P / Mathematics and Science Education 1
REALDI200 / Mathematics and Science Education 2
SDG110 / Perspectives on Sustainable Development
SDG200 / Ocean-Climate-Society: Sustainability summer course
SDG207 / Energy Transition
SDG213 / Causes and consequences of Climate Change
SDG214 / UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water
SDG215 / UN Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on land
SDG313 / Climate Action field course: causes, consequences and solutions to the climate challenge
SDG607 / Energy Transition
SDG613 / Sustainable development, climate and climate action
STAT101 / Elementary Statistics
STAT110 / Basic Course in Statistics
STAT111 / Statistical Methods
STAT200 / Applied Statistics
STAT201 / Generalised Linear Models
STAT202 / Biostatistics
STAT210 / Theory of Statistical Inference
STAT211 / Time Series
STAT220 / Stochastic Processes
STAT221 / Probability theory
STAT230 / Life Insurance Mathematics
STAT231 / Non-Life Insurance Mathematics
STAT240 / Theory of Finance
STAT250 / Monte Carlo Methods and Bayesian Statistics
STAT260 / Statistical Learning
STAT292 / Project in Statistics
STAT310 / Multivariate Analysis
STAT330 / Selected topics in Statistics
STAT399 / Master's Thesis in Statistics
STAT399K / Master's Thesis in Statistics
STAT621 / Introduction to Data Science with R
STAT622 / Basic Course in Statistics
STAT623 / Data Science with R - applied predictive modelling
STAT624 / Statistical Methods
STAT640 / Advanced data analysis with R
STATOVLEV / Survival Analysis
STATPHD900 / Applied Statistics
STATPHD902 / Biostatistics
STATPHD950 / Monte Carlo Methods and Bayesian Statistics
STATRISK / Statistical Risk Management
STATROM / Spatial Statistics