Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

News archive for Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO recently completed its CCBIO903 course Cancer Research: Ethical, Economic and Social Aspects, including a CCBIO Special Seminar, titled “Cancer in the news”. The course is quite unique on a global basis, and recruited participants with a great variety of backgrounds and of geographical locations, such as Bergen (CCBIO), Oslo (Oslo University Hospital, Institute for Cancer Research), London... Read more
Professor Hani Gabra was recently appointed Chief Medical Officer at BerGenBio, based in Oxford UK. Professor Gabra has been part of CCBIO's network of international affiliated researchers since 2016, and considers his affiliation to CCBIO both an advantage and a prerequisite for his role as CMO for BerGenBio. He also finds there are clear opportunities for increased interaction between BerGenBio... Read more
Since CCBIO was established five years ago, 17 students in the Medical Student Research Program have been affiliated to the center's research groups, and several have proceeded to a PhD degree. The students in the program are genuinely interested and dedicated, but also lacking research experience and in need of close follow-up and mentoring. Nevertheless, CCBIO has very good experiences in... Read more
In 2016 CCBIO’s Associate Investigator Professor Daniela Elena Costea received 3 million NOK in funding from the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (https://diku.no/en) for a 3 year collaboration project for education and research in oral pathology and oral cancer between Norway, Moldova, Belarus and Armenia. Due to its achievements, the... Read more
CCBIO Associate Researcher Agnete S.T. Engelsen has just completed a one-year certificate program, with distinction, at Harvard Medical School (HMS), the High-Impact Cancer Research (HICR): Cancer, Biology and Therapeutics Program. Engelsen was the first attendee from Norway in this diverse group of highly motivated new and seasoned researchers from 42 countries, all around the world.
CCBIO hosted the 4th Annual Scandinavian Seminar on Translational Pathology at Solstrand Hotel, Os (Bergen), with 78 dedicated participants from Norway, Sweden and Finland.
October 15th, Professor Bruce R. Zetter from Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital was appointed as Honorary Doctor at the University of Bergen, Faculty of Medicine. The day before, October 14th, he gave his honorary doctor lecture, on the topic "RNA as a tool for cancer therapy".
Det medisinske fakultets nye æresdoktor Bruce R. Zetter sier at utnevnelsen vil føre til et enda sterkere bånd mellom Harvard Medical School og Universitetet i Bergen.
Iceland’s dramatic landscape served as backdrop for generating ideas and action plans for new collaborations between the University of Bergen/CCBIO and Harvard Medical School/Vascular Biology Program in a meeting August 29th to September 3rd.
The University of Bergen is appointing 10 new Honorary Doctors, one of which is Harvard Professor Bruce Zetter, very well known to the CCBIO family, both as advisor in the CCBIO Scientific Advisory Board, and through the CCBIO-VBP INTPART collaboration.
The collaboration project for education and research in oral pathology between Norway, Moldova, Belarus and Armenia is an important internationalization project financed by DIKU through the Eurasia program. Within this project, UiB/CCBIO is currently hosting a master student, Olga Golburean, a graduated dental hygienist who is taking her master degree in global health with Professor Dana Costea... Read more
This summer, CCBIO sent their second batch of students to be Boston summer interns in the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART collaboration. Read the full report from Hanna Dillekås, PhD candidate in Oddbjørn Straume’s group, Ridhima Das, PhD candidate in Dana Costea’s group, and Amalie Fagerli Tegnander, medical student affiliated to Lars A. Akslen's group, in Elisabeth Wik’s project.
Congratulations to CCBIO's Elisabeth Wik for a very well deserved Faculty Internationalization Award! The prize was presented at the Faculty Day, June 13th 2019.
On May 23 and 24, 2019, the world's leading fibrosis and cancer researchers met in Bergen at an international fibrosis conference on the topic "New tools to study the fibrotic stroma".
The CCBIO Annual Report 2018 is now available!
World leading cancer experts met at Solstrand: International top notch cancer researchers met at Solstrand to present their work at CCBIO's annual symposium.
Verdensledende kreftforskere møttes på Solstrand for å presentere sin forskning under CCBIOs årlige symposium.
