Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)

News archive for Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)

In an Editorial in the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, Anand Bhopal (BCEPS PhD candidate) and Sofie Haugan Shrivastava (Medical Student, University of Bergen) call for a green transformation of the health service.
We are happy to announce that this fall BCEPS in collaboration with the CIH/CISMAC research school can offer a brand new course on quantitative methods for studying equity and poverty impact in health. This course is available to PHD students, (Interested Postdocs and senior researchers can also be eligible.) The course is full time from 15.11.21 – 19.11.21 (2 ECTs)
BCEPS is one of seven applicants from the University of Bergen to reach the final round of the Research Council of Norway's Centre of Excellence (SFF) initiative with its proposal for a Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health.
Congratulations to BCEPS PhD candidates Lelisa Fekadu and Getachew Teshome on successfully defending their doctoral theses this spring.
BCEPS has published recordings of its inaugural seminar series on Climate Change and Priority Setting in Health.
BCEPS collaborator Jesse B. Bump of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is lead author of two important articles, published as part of BMJ's Covid-19 collection, The Road to Equity and Solidarity.
During Spring 2021, BCEPS will be organising an online seminar series on the intersection of climate change and priority setting in health (seminar dates 14 April, 28 April, 12 May).
In a Nature Medicine article published today, BCEPS researchers discuss the challenges of developing essential health service packages in resource-constrained settings.
Springer Nature has published a 3-part interview with BCEPS Director Ole Frithjof Norheim on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Sustainable Development Goals.
This workshop was organised by BCEPS student researchers Anand Bhopal, Emily McLean and Sara Soraya Eriksen as part of ‘Day Zero’ at the 2021 Bergen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Conference.
A live debate (in Norwegian) with BCEPS Director Ole Frithjof Norheim and UiB colleagues on Saturday 30 January. A link to the live stream recording is available below.
"A new start - together or every state for itself?" (26-27 January) with BCEPS Director Ole Frithjof Norheim as a panelist in two separate discussions on a) global vaccine distribution, and b) the impact of COVID-19 on other essential services.
The Research Council of Norway has awarded NOK 12 million to a 5-year project on "Equity and financial household impact in randomised controlled trials, implementation research and cohort studies in India" (EQUIFINANCE).
Congratulations to BCEPS PhD fellow Anand Bhopal and research track students Emily McLean and Sara Soraya Eriksen on receiving project funding from the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET).
In a Nature Medicine Comment published on 18 December 2020, BCEPS researchers and international colleagues highlight the importance of open and inclusive decision-making in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This virtual event was a four-part symposium and seminar series over two days (4 & 9 December 2020). Links to recordings from both days are available below.
BCEPS PhD candidates Anand Bhopal, Emily McLean and Sara Eriksen highlight why the Norwegian health system needs to urgently reduce its carbon emissions.
BCEPS deputy director Ingrid Miljeteig participated as a panelist in this interesting discussion organised by "Filosofisk poliklinikk" on 2 December 2020.
