10th Anniversary Seminar
At the Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research (Forum)’s 10 Anniversary Seminar 12-13 January 2017 the conclusion was that it takes time to build relations and networks – and that after 10 years, Forum’s Global Health Research activities are becoming firmly established.

Main content
Highlights of Forum activity:
- conferences involving Forum researchers are now held annually (every second year with GLOBVAC)
- a national Researcher School in Global Health has been established
- the Forum suggestion of formally establishing an infrastructure for its activity has resulted in the establishment of a Norwegian Institute of Global Health (NIGH).
Forum has prepared a 10-year report of its activities. Read a .pdf version below.
The Researcher School in Global Health will facilitate between PhD candidates in Global Health across Norway by making it easier for them to visit one another and cooperate on projects. All PhD candidates enrolled in Global Health at a Norwegian institution of higher education are welcome to become members. Membership will enable them to be eligible for travel grants to attend courses in global health subjects taught at institutions across Norway. The School’s first annual PhD conference will be held in conjunction with the GLOBVAC conference next spring, 14-15 March, 2017 in Oslo.
Links relating to NIGH
- Etablere et Norwegian Global Health Institute (NGHI) av Dekan Stig A. Slørdahl og rådgiver Elin Yli Dvergsdal, det medisinske fakultet ved NTNU.
- Norwegian Global Health Institute en blog av Stig A. Slørdahl, dekan, Det medisinske fakultet
Research Seminar on Migration and Health
The theme for the 10th Anniversary’s Research Seminar was Migration and Health. Many of the speakers highlighted that not only is migrant health becoming increasingly relevant for Norway and other European countries, migrant health is part of global health.
The talks reflected various complementary perspectives:
- The scope of Migration health in Norway, by Bernadette Kumar, NAKMI and Centre for Global Health UiO
- Migration and health, historical perspective by Harald Siem, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and NAKMI
- Rights to access National Health Services for refugees and asylum seekers- Government guidelines, by Gro Saltnes Lopez, Department for Minority Health and Rehabilitation, Health Directorate
- Migrants health perspective from general practice in Norway, by Esperanza Diaz, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, UiB
- Irregular migrant’s ‘precarious inclusion’ in European health care regimes, by Christine M. Jacobsen, The Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK), UiB
At the Anniversary Dinner, Bente Moen, Forum Chair, gave out a number of prizes, including:
- Recognising service to Forum and Global Health: Rune Nilsen, Gunnar Kvale
- Winners of Essay Contest about a Global Health Issue: Hanne J. Haavik