April: Sudha Basnet PhD-candidate of the Month
Sudha Basnet is PhD of the Month at Centre for International Health!

Main content
There are two main reasons for why Sudha Basnet is the candidate of the month.
1. Sudha Basnet has been a fantastic support for the staff at Centre for International Health (CIH), as she has been a great teacher, doing more than expected.
2. Basnet will defend her PhD thesis next week. We admire her work, which is excellent! However, it is very special that she did the last part of the work with her PhD in a situation when Kathmandu had a large earthquake. We are very impressed by her ability to focus and be concentrated on scientific issues in such a demanding situation
CIH is very proud of Sudha Basnet.
The committee:
Bjarne Robberstad
Bente E. Moen
Background information
Sudha Basnet is from Nepal. She was educated as a physican at Nil Ratan Sircar Medical
College and Hospital in Kolkatta, India. In 1998, she entered a NUFU project at CIH, led
by professor Tor Strand, and was educated as a specialist in pediatrics 2001. After this, she
became a lecturer at Kathmandu Medical College and Hospital. From 2003 to 2009 she has
been an Assistant Professor and from 2009 Associate Professor at the Child Health
Department, Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine (IOM), Kathmandu, Nepal. She
started her PhD education in an EU-project at CIH, and has worked with her PhD in a
University of Bergen scholarship 2011-2015.
Basnet will defend her thesis: “Severe Pneumonia in Hospitalized Young Nepalese Children. Studies on the Efficacy of Oral Zinc, Respiratory Viruses and Prognostic Determinants” at the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology 19th April 2015.
*Sudha B, Ramesh KA, Chitra KG. Hypoxemia in children with pneumonia and its clinical predictors The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2006; 76(9):777-81.
*Sudha B, F.C. Gami LShrestha et al. Newborn Care Trainers Guide MBBS Program, Feb 2005.
*Sudha B, Praneswori S, Jamuna S et al. Maternal and Neonatal Care Protocol/Guidelines for Nurses at TUTH May 2006.
*Sudha B, Ramesh KA, Prakash SS. Morbidity and mortality pattern of low birth weight babies Journal of the Institute of Medicine 2008; 30(2):6-10.
*Mathisen M, Strand TA, Sharma BN, Chandyo RK, Valentiner-Branth P, Basnet S, Adhikari RK, Hvidsten D, Shrestha PS, Sommerfelt H. RNA viruses in community-acquired childhood pneumonia in semi-urban Nepal; a cross-sectional study BMC Medicine 2009; 7:35.
*Mathisen M, Strand TA, Sharma BN, Chandyo RK, Valentiner-Branth P, Basnet S, Adhikari RK, Hvidsten D, Shrestha PS, Sommerfelt H. Clinical Presentation and Severity of Viral Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Young Nepalese Children The Pediatr Infec Dis Journal Volume 29, Number 1, January 2010.
*Valentiner-Branth P, Shrestha PS, Chandyo RK, Mathisen M, Basnet S, Bhandari N, Adhikari RK, Sommerfelt H, Strand TA. A randomized controlled trial of the effect of zinc as adjuvant therapy in children 2–35 years of age with severe or nonsevere pneumonia in Bhaktapur, Nepal Am J Clin Nutr April 2010;91:1–8.
*Mathisen M, Strand TA, Valentiner-Branth P, Chandyo RK, Basnet S, Sharma BN, Adhikari RK, Hvidsten D, Shrestha PS, Sommerfelt H. Respiratory Viruses in Nepalese Children With and Without Pneumonia A Case-Control Study The Pediatr Infect Dis J August 2010;29(8): 1 – 5.
*Chandyo RK, Shrestha PS, Valentiner-Branth P, Mathisen M, Basnet S, Ulak M, Adhikari RK, Sommerfelt H, Strand TA. Two Weeks of Zinc Administration to Nepalese Children with Pneumonia Does Not Reduce the Incidence of Pneumonia or Diarrhea during the Next Six Months J Nutr. September 2010; 140 (9): 1677-1682.
*Mathisen M, Basnet S, Sharma A, Shrestha PS, Sharma BN, Valentiner-Branth P, Sommerfelt H, Strand TA. RNA viruses in young Nepalese children hospitalized with severe pneumonia. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2011 Dec;30(12):1032-6.
*Basnet S, Shrestha PS, Sharma A, Mathisen M, Prasai R, Bhandari N, Adhikari RK, Sommerfelt H, Valentiner-Branth P, Strand TA; Zinc Severe Pneumonia Study Group. A randomized controlled trial of zinc as adjuvant therapy for severe pneumonia in young children. Pediatrics. 2012 Apr;129(4):701-8.
*Basnet S, Mathisen M, Strand TA. Oral zinc and common childhood infections--An update. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2015;31:163-6.
*Basnet S, Sharma A, Mathisen M, Shrestha PS, Ghimire RK, Shrestha DM, *Valentiner-Branth P, Sommerfelt H, Strand TA. Predictors of duration and treatment failure of severe pneumonia in hospitalized young Nepalese children.PLoS One. 2015 Mar 23;10(3):e0122052