
Section for Elderly Medicine, Social Pharmacy and Interprofessional Workplace Learning (FEST)

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FEST group picture

Section for Elderly Medicine, Social Pharmacy and Interprofessional Work-Place Learning (FEST) consists of:
Centre for Interprofessional Work-Place Learning (TVEPS),
Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS)
Social Pharmacy, and
Greenness, air pollution and health 

Head of this section is assosciate professor Lone Holst.

Elderly lady with a tablet and headphones.

The CC.AGE centre

The Trond Mohn Research Foundation and the University of Bergen generously provided financial support to SEFAS to establish the Centre for Complex Conditions and Ageing (CC.AGE). Here, we investigate the use of novel technology and high-quality care to improve the lives of older persons with complex...

Ane Johannessen og Lars Thore Fadnes utenfor Alrek helseklynge

Honoured with awards

On Wednesday, Faculty Day 2023 was held at the Faculty of Medicine. During the event, TVEPS and Lars Thore Fadnes were honored with awards in various categories.

News | Erc Grant
Bettina Husebø

Professor Bettina Husebø will investigate how technology can be used to predict death

With economic support from the European Research Council (ERC), professor Bettina Husebø at UiB will investigate how assistive technology can be used to recognize symptoms among people with dementia who are near the end of life.

FREMFARM - Education for future

FREMFARM - Educating pharmacists to meet tomorrow's challenges

FREMFARM project, is funded by DIKU. The project is led by Lone Holst and Reidun Kjome, and has partners from the Mohn Center for Innovation and Regional Development at the University College of Western Norway, from Diakonhjemmet Hospital Pharmacy, and from SLATE (Center for the Science of Learning ...


Interprofessional learning crucial to reach the UN sustainability goals

TVEPS - Centre for Interprofessional Workplace Learning is one of two academic communities at The Faculty of Medicine applying to become “Centre for Excellence in Education”. By doing this, the centre is taking a key role within interprofessional education and sustainability.