Master Theses 2000-2010
An overview of master theses that were submitted in English between 2000 and 2010.
Main content
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Aimar Alkhold | Nigerian Criminal Networks; a comparative analysis
Susanne Lier Fagerbakke | How do the spheres of state, industry and university contribute to learning and innovation in the Orkney Marine Energy Sector & what characterises their interaction? A case study of how a local network contributes to learning and innovation in the Orkney Marine Energy Sector
Admir Mesic | Economic Imperatives and International Regulations. The Case of INA and Corporate Social Responsibility
Øyvind Samnøy Tefre |
Sushmita Acharya | Implementation of Citizen’s Charter and Improving Municipal Services in Nepal: Myth or Reality?
Eric Adu | Challenges of Consolidating Democratic Local Governance in Ghana: The Case of Low Voter Turnout in the District Assembly Elections
A. H. M. Kamrul Ahsan | Problems of Coordination in Local Administration in Bangladesh
Timothy Allison Findlater |
Md. Mostafizur Rahman Khan | Nature and Extent of Women Participation in Union Parishad in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges - A Qualitative Study of Three Union Parishads
Abdul-Razak Mahamadu |
Orest Sebastian Masue | Empowerment and Effectiveness of School Committees in Tanzania
Md. Nurul Momen | Challenges of Implementing Public Procurement Reform Initiatives in Bangladesh: The Case of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Rebecca Lynn Radlick | An Implementation Analysis of The Introductory Program for Newly Arrived Immigrants
Nadarajah Rajkumar | "GPs in Norway are working in Service Regime" and "GPs select a regime to maintain their Reputation" A study characterizes the general practitioners clinical decision making behaviour in their own sense as Professionals, Street-level bureaucrats, Entrepreneurs and Public Service Managers
Padma Paudel Timalsena | Primary level enrolment and drop out of girls in Nepal: A case study in Kavrepalanchok District. |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Chro Borhan | |
Tove Svanøe Endresen | Stairway to heaven. Please Hold the Handrail! A study on the organizational safety in Norske Shell
Kjersti Gjuvsland | Land Reform in Post- Apartheid South Africa. A Case Study of challenges and opportunities for Land Reform Beneficiaries in the Western and Northern Cape Provinces |
Emmanuel Kofi Ayisi
| Challenges of implementing public policy in developing countries: The case of Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
Imtiaz Badshah
| NPM INSPIRED REFORMS IN PAKISTAN - A Study of the Implementation of Performance Evaluation in the Civil Service
Victoria Chimhutu:
Benedicte Kjøbstad:
| Total Institutions in Norway: Do they exist?
Douglas Hugh John Montgomery
| Taming the Market?: Public Revenuefrom Non-Conventional Oil Extraction in Alberta (Canada) and Norway
Ghulam Mustafa
| Leadership Frames of Midlevel Public Managers and Implementation of Public Sector Change: A Case Study of Federal Board of Revenue Pakistan
Mercy Asi Ocansey
| The challenges in community particiption, the case of the New Juaben Municipal council |
Evelyn Quarm
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Laura Elisabet Drivdal | Regulating Environmental Harmful Industries. A study of two Norwegian environmental NGOs efforts at making industries more environmental friendly.
Ingvild Nordstrand | Democracy as a part of Norwegian Development Aid
Berit Bjerkli | Power in the cooling water of budget support. The formal structure between the Government of Tanzania, the donors and the Non Governmental Organizations.
Abu Hossain Muhan Ahsan | The Implementation of Reform Initiatives in Bangladesh: A Case Study of the Financial Management Reform Programme (FMRP)
Narottam Aryal | Adoption and Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility. A Case Study of Standard Chartered Bank.
Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan | The implementation of Reform Initiatives in Bangladesh: A Case Study of the Financial Management Reform Programme (FMRP)
Fardaus Ara | Public-Private Partnership in Providing Primary Health Care Services in Urban Bangladesh
Narottam Aryal | Adoption and Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility. A Case Study of Standard Chartered Bank
Chandra Kumar Ghimire
| Transformation of New Public Management: Shaping a Hybrid in Nepal? |
Rachel Mumba Kayeyi
| International and National Policy Regimes: Brain Drain in the Public Health Sector in Zambia
Bernard P. Marcelline | The Progress of Democratization in Tanzania. A study on the declining number of elected parliamentary candidates from opposition parties between 1995 and 2005 elections.
Betty Nangira
| A comparison of Health Care Service Delivery in Public and Private Health Centres. A Case study of Lumino and Busitema Sub Counties Busia District Uganda.
Nqaba Nkomana | Land use Management and Land Re-distribution in South-Africa: A Case of Emalahleni Local Municipality
Innocent Nkwasiibwe | Do Health projects work for the poor? The relevance of the Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project (NECDP) in implementing Uganda's poverty reduction programme.
Ellen Sarquah
| Challenges of Fiscal Desentralization Policy in the Akuapem South District of Ghana |
Frederico Sbalzo
| Growing pains in a small successful service provider |
Alexander Alexandrovich Shestakov
| |
Sophia Esinam Aku Awitty | Implementing public-private partnership in Ghana, the case of Ghana Telecom.
Md. Anwar Hossain | Women's participation in social change decisions: A study of two Union Partishads of Bangladesh
Mohammad Imrul Kayes | The job satisfaction of university teachers in Bangladesh - A case study of Dhaka University. |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Anette Gussiås | Governing by quota: Assessing the implementation of the EU emission trading directive in the United Kingdom and Poland
Cecilia Roberts | Chasing quality. A study of UNESCO's role in the development of global quality assurance guidelines for cross-border higher education
Njål Are Rosingaunet | Post Apartheid Security Policies in South Africa
Kristin Tomren | Strategies to gain legitimacy at the University of Western Cape and the University of Stellenboch
Gunta Venge | Negotiating Citizenship in Latvia: A Study of Citizenship Policy and Lawmaking 1991-1998
Musanga Mbusuro Etimba | Privatization of government services and its effects on working conditions and socio-economic situations of employed women: the case of National Microfinance Bank of Tanzania
Daniel Appiah | Analysis of State Institutional Capacity in Land Acquisition
Baraba Aloyce Firmin | The role of Non-governmental organisations in empowering disabled people in Tanzania: a case of people with spinal cord injuries in the Kilimanjaro Region
Cecilia Roberts | Chasing Quality – a study of UNESCO’s role in the development of global quality assurance guidelines for the cross-boarder higher education
Ansa Masaud
| Women representation in parliament in Pakistan: a study of representation of women’s interests in the 12th National Assembly
Anna Julegina |
Patience Linda Madoma | A child's right to education: Challenges to the implementation of the national plan of action for orphans and other vulnerable children in Epworth District, Zimbabwe
Md. Tanzir Mosabbir | Actors and contexts in the policy making process: A case study on information, communication and technology policy in Bangladesh.
Josephine Matrine Duway | An investigation on factors that lead to student dropout. A case study of Daar-Es-Salaam University, Tanzania
Laxmi Datt Kalauni | Community participation in school management: A study of community managed secondary schools in the Bagmati Zone of Nepal.
Rejoice Evelyn Tandstad | An investigation into the strategies a civil society organization uses to influence Harare City Council: The case of Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Gro Kamfjord | The university intellectual - Critic or expert? |
Kristian Li | The new contractualism: Many and different approaches. An exploration of contemporary use and interpretations of contractual protocols. |
Gigliola Mathisen | Alienation of higher education? Investigating Norwegian Initiatives on the General Agreement on Trade in Services |
Saif Uddin Ahmed | NGO perception of poverty in Bangladesh. Do their programs match reality?
Anna Banasiak | Women's career paths: Gender inequality in employment. A comparative study of a Polish and a Norwegian company.
Shamima Tasnim | Job satisfaction among female teachers: A study on primary schools in Bangladesh.
Mohammed Selim | Problems of higher education in Bangladesh: A study on the performance of the teachers of Islamic University, Kushtia.
Zia Obaid | Reforming political universities: A case study of University of Peshawar.
Emmanuel Lukumai | The Implementation of Civil Service Reforms in Tanzania, 1991-2000.
Renuka Priyantha Ilandarige | Challenges in Implementing New Public Management Initiatives in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Sri Lanka.
Rebecca Glavee-Geo | Policy implementation in Ghana - The case of the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) programme
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Henning Rage | Organisational structures and managerial work in large-scale project organisations - A case study of the Ormen Lange Onshore project
Mohamed Faizal
| Institutionalization of performance appraisal system: A case study of the Maldivian public service
Tamanna Kabir
| The story of rural electrification program in Bangladesh - a lesson of success
Shanaz Begum
| Public discourse in a developing society: The incest case in Bangladesh
Rameshwor Dangal
| Administrative culture in Nepal: Does it reflect the dominant socio-cultural values of Nepal
Rosemary Oswald Mruma |
Gerald K. Karyeija
| Analysis of decision making in Uganda's social security and pension policy reform
Amanda Isabel Medina Hernandez
| Learning from Pisa: The mexican experience
Adam Fusheini
Mehnaz Gul
Thomas Buabeng
| Implementing public policy at the local level in Ghana: The experience of Akwapem South District in poverty reduction
Vijay Singh Beniwal
| Implementing Citizen's Charter: A study of Panchkula (Harayana) Municipal Council in India
Nicole Ann Fornasier
| Childbirth Health Care Policy in the United States and Norway: A comparative Case study on the role of Midwifery
Mohammad Shafiqul Islam
| Does organizational culture matter for school performance? A study of government and brac primary school in Bangladesh
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Berg, Dag Erik | Caste, Race and Durban - An analysis of a Dalit Human Rights campaign and the debate in India about the relevance of caste discrimination in the World Conference against Racism in Durban 2001.
Wessels, Frank | Strategisk planlegging eller Muddling-through - En sammenlignende case-studie av kommunale planleggingsprosesser i Bergen og Münster.
Panday, Pranab Kumar
Chowdhury, Saber Ahmed
Anokye, Bernice Otaah
| Participation in Basic Education: A Study of Community participation in Primary Schools in the Ga District of Ghana”.
Kyohairwe, Stella B. | Women political recruitment within local councils: The selection of woman polical leaders in Uganda. A case of Bushenyi district local council and Kampala city council |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Bjørkelo, Birte | The Power of Learning on the Global Age - The World Bank and Environmental NGOs.
Innvik, Jostein | Do electoral laws effect the access of interests to the national assembly?
Nielsen, Gøril Vikøren | Between Parliament and Profession. A case study of South African Human Rights Commission.
Tonheim, Milfrid | The HIV/Aids Controversy in South Africa: - A Study of the Parliament Deliberation of HIV/AIDS and Antiretrovital Medication
Roduit, Pascal | Decriminalization of Cannabis in Switzerland: - Pragmatic Policy Transfer and Consensual Policy Making (1996-2003).
Timilsina, Mohadatta
| Why only a few women reach the top positions? A study on women’s status in the civil service of Nepal
M.Mahfuzul Haque
| THE CULTURE OF TADBIR: The Building Block of Administrative Decisions in the Bangladesh Civil Service
Nusrat Johan Chowdhury | The Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord Implementation In Bangladesh: Promises and Performance.
Alex James Shayo | The impact of institutional autonomy on the performance of anti-corruption agencies
Regina Otoriwa Amanfo | The under-representation of women in the district assembly in Ghana: A case study of the Acora Metropolitan Assembly and Tempa Municipal Assembly
Endashaw Bakha | Factors affecting the privatization policy implementation in developing countries: A case study of privatization policy in Ethiopia
Eliaika A. Manyanga | Challenges to the Implementation of Tax Reform in the Local Government in Tanzania: a Case Study of Dar es Salaam City Council and the City Comission
Yasmin Jahan | Does Social Capital foster women empowerment? Case Studies of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
Aminath Khuzaima | Learning in Public Sector Organizations: Administration Reform in Republic of Maldives
Kazi Maraful Islam | Civil society and urban governance in Bangladesh – an exploration of the strategies that a civil society organisation uses to influence the urban policy networks in Bangladesh: A study on Khulna Metropolitan City, Bangladesh |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Berg, Truls Asbjørn | Corporate Social Responsibility for People, Planet and Profit
Awuor, Emily Achieng
Saida Seleman Fundi | Community Participation in Education: An insight to major challenges facing participatory system in primary in Tanzania
Eliza A. Mwakasangkla | Administrative Reform Measures: A Study of Civil Service in the Period 1993-1999
Hari Raj Acharya | Decentralization in Nepal: Are the District Governments making their Development Plans by them selves?
Nasim Ahmed | Privatization of State owned enterprises (SOE’s) in Bangladesh: A Study of Policy Implementation
Xiong Zhang | Governance and Environment in Earthbound China: A Social Constructionist Model?
Khadija Samma | The Perception of Environmental Problems in Tanzania: The Case Study of Dar es Salaam
Emma Evelyn Mwela-Mshomi | An Analysis of the Effect of Tanzania’s ‘Cost Sharing’ in the Education Policy for Primary Schools: A Case Study made in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam Region
Rui Manuel Hanjan | Policy Transfer Within the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor: An Ideal of Local Democratic Institution (The Case of Community Empowerment Project)
Augusto Soares Barreto | The Status of Women in East Timor in Relation to High Position in Public Administration |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Sporstøl, Siw Fedog | State and Civil Society in China - A Study of the All-China Federation of Trade union in the Era of Reform |
Iman Sheikh, Abdirahman
| The rise and fall of the Somali state: a case study on Somalia
Muriisa Roberts | Non-Governmental Organisations and Rural development in Uganda
Kijakazi Rajabu Mtengwa | Constitutional Problems of Unbalanced Federal Systems: an insight of union problems of the United Republic of Tanzania and their implications to democracy and the future of the Union
Igor Kalzakorta-Elorriaga | Climate Change Policy – Rhetoric or Reality? – Spanish climate change policy strategy at the pre-Kyoto and post-Kyoto stages
MD. Amran Hossain | The Nomination Procedures of Candidates Selection for the Jafiya Sangsad (National Parliament) Election: A comparative study of two major political parties (AL and BNP) in Bangladesh
Jaqueline Attafuah | The Implementation of Public Financial Management Reform Programme in Ghana- Revenue Management (VAT) and Budgetary Process (BPEMS)
Fiona Alexander
| Interpretations and Implementation of Internationalization in Norwegian Higher Education – Exploring Business and Academic Functions in Student Fellowships
MD. Shahjahan Hafez Bhuiyan | Solid waste management organization in Urban Bangladesh: Ideals and Realities
Bharat Raj Gautam | Reforming the public sector: A study of administrative reforms in Nepal
Hari Paudel | The Implementation of Privatization Policy in Nepal – Is privatization a viable policy option?
Nicholas Fowler | A Comparative Analysis of the Use of Models in the Cross-national comparison of social welfare systems – with reference to the UK, Scandinavia and the United States
S.M. Abdul Quddus | Professional role orientation of primary school teachers in Bangladesh: Mission improbable?
Vincent Kwasi Bi | Interpretation of leadership styles in Ghanaian organisations – The Case of Ghanaian Schools |
Authors: | Title of master thesis: |
Tollef Ladehaug | Institutional conditions for students' reactions towards old based teaching and learning modules on campus.
Sonja Poole |
Paul Okot-Okello | Challenges of introducing organisational change: A Case study of the public service reform programme in Uganda
MD. Taiabur Rahman | The role of parliamentary committees in ensuring bureaucratic accountability in Bangladesh
M. Rashid Mtaume | Constitutional change in Tanzania: Some insights into the past and present and its implications for democracy and constitutionalism
Richard L. Whitehead | The institutionalization of the Tanzanian opposition parties: How stable are they?
Beatrice K. Patrick | Why few women managers: A study of the Tanzanian civil service
Anwarul Karim | Recent changes in the structure of the union parishad in Bangladesh: Scope for participation of women
Msangi Salim Ramadani | Judiciary in Tanzania: Problems and reforms in relation to administration of justice
Yuda S. Mkumbwa | Relationship between the political system and industrial relations system in Tanzania (1961-1992)
Mohammad Bux Burdey | Management issues in basic education in Tharparkar (deserted area) Sindh, Pakistan. |