Master Theses 1990-1999
An overview of master theses that were submitted in English between 1990 and 1999.
Main content
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Adjei, Abraham Annan
| Politics and policies of agriculture and rural development in Northern Ghana: The case of the upper region agricultural development project (URADEP) 1976‑ 1980
Asante, Kobina Ampadu | An assessment of the performance of public enterprises in Ghana ‑ A Study of five enterprises.
Boahene, Emmanuel Adu
| Telecommunications sector reforms: Professionalisation of Ghana Telecoms
Crabbe, Abigail Naa
| A study of the implementation of rural cottage industries in Ghana.
Sarpong, Isaac Nkethia | Public Service Accountability in Ghana: Towards the efficient management of the common Good. The case of the Kumasi Metropolian assembly.
Kolola, Gervas Michael | Institutional Cooperation between the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the Tanzanian Ministry of works in the road sector |
Subacius, Aivaras | Explaining the process of Decision making on Foreign Policy options ensuring national security in Lithuania (1990-1996) |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Høgtun, Siren | PATRONAT CATALA PRO EUROPA AND EUSKADIREN ORDEZKARITZA BRUSSELAN. ‑ indicators of European Regionalism or European Nationalism? |
Smedsdal, Anna | Social Construction of Problems: A Policy Learning Study of The Indian Population Policy 1951‑1996. |
Verdal, Helene
| Reform and Legitimacy Civil service reform in the Tanzanian ministry of agriculture
Zvaliauskas, Giedrius | Myth and Reality: The Understanding of the Functioning of a political party among its activists during the post-communist transition in Lithuania: the case of the Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) Elite of Kaunas |
Kazimoto, Noel Samson
| Decentralisation of Local Government in Tanzania: Central Government Control over Local Government. |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Andersen, Frode | Policies and Institutional Change in a Small Scale Fishery Sector. The case of Patrimonialization in Mozambique. |
Abduali, Albert Banan
Awuah, Baffour
Sanyang, Famara A.
| Cost recovery in the health sector and its consequences on the poor in the Gambia. A study of how the infernatinal financial institutions and the Word Bank influenced the Gambian Governemtns health policies.
Tambwe, Thabit Saleh
| Reforms: Professionalisation of Engineers in Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited. |
Ibrahim, Ibrahim Mzee | The Structural Adjustment of Public Administration: The Telecommunications Sector in Tanzania |
Parveen, Zeenat | Central Government and Urban local bodies relationship in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Dhaka City Corporation |
Ivan, Pavel | The Effects of political regimes on German cultural features after World War II in both ideological regions |
Newas, Ware | The sustainability of Program Performance of Education Programs of Dhaka Ahsania Mission, a NGO: a case study |
Bulota, Rytis | Sajudis: The Objectives of the Social Movement |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Adjei, Paul | Implementing policy reforms in less developed countries: problems and implications for policy design. The case of Ghana’s privatisation policy |
Rahman, Md Zahidur | A study of the relationship between the NGOs and Local Government at the Union Level in Bangladesh |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Kwawukume, Andy Cecil: | Rural Banks in Ghana:
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Asamoa‑Dapaa, Kwabena
| Project Work and Technological Capability Development: A Process Examination of the Accra Telex Exchange Project at Ghana's Telecommunications Sector.
Nyim‑Asare, Joslah
Yebuah, Mercy Adoley
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Yousaf, Muhammad Nadeem | Conscious and unconscious minds of organization. |
Ogoe, Ebenezer Kwamina | Decentralisation and local government reforms in Ghana: PNDC's desentralisation policies. The case of Ahanta West District Assembly. |
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Moland, Karen Marie Ingeborg
| The Changing Role of Local Midwives in Addis Ababa. Community Participation in Primary Health Care.
Nyhagen, Line Lie
| Radical Environmentalism in The United States: Earth first!
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Amankwah, Kofi | Institutional change ‑ State and Education Policy in Ghana 1844‑1966.
Jallow, Tijan Amadou | The effects of socio economic factors on the pattern of infant and child mortality in the Gambia. (Helse‑ og sosialpolitikk).
Kukubor, Brighten Kofi | Politics at the crossroads. Perspectives on civil‑military relations in Ghana. 1956‑1981.
Obeng‑Mensah, Charles | Organizing for environmental protection: A Study of the Environmental Protection Council of Ghana.
Skorpen, Anne‑Lene | The World Bank and Women oriented Development Ideology.
Author: | Title of master thesis: |
Faruk, Reza
| Industrial relations in Bangladesh.
Orleans, John Brown
| Organizations and socio‑cultural environment in Ghana.
Børhaug, Kjetil
| Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development. The case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme.