Candidates for the department council
An overview of the candidates running for election this spring.

Main content
The election starts at 9am on 22nd May and ends at 12 noon on 24th May.
Votes are cast in the election portal:
Group B representatives - representatives of temporary staff in teaching and research positions:
Sondre Sæther Bolland Proposed by: Nomination committee I am a second-year fellow and have been working as a temporary employee In the previous period, I was a representative for group B in the department council My door is always open, feel free to drop by!
Gutama Ibrahim Mohammad Proposed by: Nomination committee | |
Morten BlørstadProposed by: Nomination committee |
Gr. D (students):
Joakim Anda SchankeProposed by: Nomination committee Hi! I'm Joakim, originally from Stavanger, has a bachelor's in computer security My main goals are to work for the students' interests and make Høytek an even better place to study informatics. | |
Vilde Helgø SalteProposed by: Nomination committee |
Kristian Elde JohansenProposed by: Nomination committee | |
Carl Didrik TorkildsenProposed by: Nomination committee I am running for election because I want to contribute my own experiences to the department council. This motivates me to take part in the work of the department council as a student representative. |
Council members to be elected
The following members are to be elected:
- Group B - 1 representative and at least 2 deputies from group B (representatives of temporary staff in teaching and research positions)
- Group D - 2 representatives and at least 2 deputies from group D (students)
Who can vote?
You can vote if you fulfill the following requirements:
Temporary academic staff employed in a minimum 50% position for the coming 12 months, or staff that have been consecutively employed for at least 12 months.
- Gr. B - Please check if you are eligible to vote.
- Gr. D - Please check if you are eligible to vote.
If you cannot find your name in the electoral register, please let us know by sending an e-mail to:
The Faculty's election committee spring 2023
Leader of the election committee
Fredrik Manne, professor
Tlf. 55 58 41 90
Secretary to the election committee
Gry E. Parker
Tlf. 55 58 35 78
Local contact at The Department of Informatics
Evita Uglum
Tlf. 55 58 20 09