Media and media tech companies pitch ideas for master's projects
Would you like to do your master´s project with companies such as the streaming service TV 2 Sumo or the media tech company Mediability? This is possible in the media cluster Media City Bergen.

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Students in both the Master of Media and Interaction Design and Master of Information Science programmes, at the Department of Information and Media Studies, will choose a Master's project this Spring and met key companies in the media cluster who wish to cooperate with them.
Students strengthening TV 2 Sumo
- We pitched a TV 2 Sumo Kids project last year, and now four master students in the Media and Interaction Design program write master projects on this. It is quite unique in the university context with four students working together like this. We have regular meetings and look forward to seeing the results, says Eva Iselin Husby, Product Owner at TV 2 Sumo.
Husby and colleague Alexander Valland Strømme, Lead UX at TV 2 Sumo, pitched new ideas for master's projects related to the streaming service for the students on the two technology-intensive programs.
- We have worked hard to reach the standard that our competitors have. But it is also important to have something that your competitors do not have. Something that creates a "buzz", says Husby. Here the students can contribute with exploration and experimentation of new solutions and innovation.
- You have to use the opportunity to learn, for example about how we use UX in a company, and we are prepared to share, Husby concludes.
Supervision from both professors and the companies
Master's projects consist of two parts: 1) a practical component, such as, for example, development of a prototype or conducting a field study, and 2) a written scientific report based on the practical part.
- These are not pure product development projects, emphasizes Kristine Jørgensen, Professor in Media Studies and Head of both the Bachelor and Master in Media and Interaction Design.
- The master project is an independent project, where one is not dependent on the company, but works with issues, themes and technologies that they are very interested in and has a need for knowledge on, says Jørgensen.
Cognitive services
Steinar Søreide, CTO, in Mjoll, owned by the media tech company Mediability, is particularly preoccupied with new cognitive services:
- It is something that occupies many and also us. Not all media houses have the capacity to develop such services. We want to be a facilitator for such services for the media users, such as, for example, journalists, says Søreide.
- We are available for discussions on issues. We can spend a lot of time talking about these. We also know a lot about topics such as cognitive services and we can guide on technical things as well, emphasizes Søreide.
The master students work on their projects in autumn 2019 and spring 2020, and have one or more supervisors from the company who provide input and feedback, as well as a professor who is the formal supervisor.