FAQ for guests
On this page you will find useful information for guests at the Faculty of Law.

Main content
The Faculty of Law welcomes international scholars for shorter or longer research stays in Bergen. The opportunity is dependent upon invitation from a faculty researcher or research group. We do not charge any administrative fees, and can provide access to a working desk, library services, IT-services, seminars and events.
If you are visiting the Faculty of Law for a shorter or longer period of time, there are some things you should think of before you arrive. On this page you will find information to help you on the way.
Practical Information
Taxes and Fees
Longer stay (4 days or more):
If you are a non Norwegian resident who are working here 4 days or longer, and if you are receiving payment from UiB, you are obliged to pay taxes to Norway. In these cases a tax card is necessary. This takes a long time to process, up to 2 -3 months, so it is imminent to start preparations early.
For us to be able to pay out the fee at the end of your stay, some things MUST be in order:
- The contract, which we will send to you by email, must be returned in a completed state as soon as possible. Remember to fill inn all required information.
- Copy of passport must be sent together with the completed contract.
The process of arranging a tax card starts when your contrat and passport information has been returned to us. From here it will take 2 -3 months until the tax card is available.
Norwegian residents will be sent a contract by email which must be completed and returned as soon as possible. Remember to fill in all required information.
Shorter stay:
A stay for shorter than 4 days do not demand a tax card as you pay taxes to your own country in these cases.
Arriving at the Faculty of Law
At the faculty there is a student information centre which you will find when you enter the front entrance of the building. If you have any questions, or if you need any assistance in any way, please contact them with any questions you might have.
There are different options for finding housing during your stay in Bergen. In general the costs of living are quite high, and depending on what kind of housing you are looking for the prices vary from 4000 NOK for a room in a shared flat, to 10 000 + for an apartment. If you want a family apartment the monthly price will increace. Prizes are depending on size, standard and how close to the city you want to live.
UiB housing
Guest housing in UiB owned apartments/flats.
It will be your contact at the faculty who does all the arrangements for these flats as it is the faculty which is the tenant on your behalf. Renting these flats will cost you from about 4500 NOK a month for a single flat with one bed and shared bathroom, to 15 500 NOK a month for a family apartment.
Even though your contact at the faculty will have to do the arrangements, you can still look for available options (and prices) within your preferred timeframe.
You can find more information here.
Sammen (The Student Welfare Organisation in Bergen).
Students are the prioritised group for Sammen, but if there is available accommodation it may be possible to rent for a shorter period of time. The prices for housing can vary from about 2000 NOK a month for a single room with shared bathroom, to about 9000+ NOK a month for a family apartment. Sammen is the cheapest option for flats in Bergen, but unfortunately they are not always that easy to get.
You can find more information on the web pages of Sammen
UIB "Inner market" housing.
At UiB there is what we call an "Inner market" for flats and apartments. This is a marketplace where employees register housing for rent, and where people within the UiB organisation advertise for housing wanted. The prices on the housing announced here will vary depending on size, shared/not shared facilities, distance from the city - and so on. The prices already mentioned above are representative for the prices of these flats.
If you find housing of interest you contact the person listed in the advertisement directly and make a private arrangement.
Open market housing
To find housing on the public, open market in Bergen you go to https://finn.no. This is a marketplace for several services like second hand marked (buy and sell), cars, housing and so on.
On Finn you can search for housing in the wider Bergen area. You can filter the search further on price, area and so on according to your needs.
This is also a service where you can find housing on the open market. You can refine your search according to your needs.
There are a wide range of flats and apartments for rent through Airbnb in Bergen. Here is a search for housing in the wider Bergen area, and as above you can filter the search according to your needs.
Rights and obligations
As a guest at the University of Bergen, you are expected to follow the same guidelines as employees.
- All employees have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to have to a working environment free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.
- Abuse of power will not be tolerated.
- Employees have the right to complain about managers and other employees if they feel that they are being exposed to bullying or other forms of unacceptable behaviour.
- All employees have an obligation to treat others in accordance with these standards and values.
- The relationship between students and employees is asymmetric. It is the employees who have the responsibility not to abuse their position of power.
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