Department of Information Science and Media Studies

News archive for Department of Information Science and Media Studies

KUD/CID Network: Forging Paths in the Study of Culture, Inequality, and Democracy
Unveiling the Cultural Tapestry of French Teenagers: Insights from Pierre Mercklé's Research
Exploring Social Inequality: Philippe Coulangeon's PhD Seminar on Cultural and Political Participation
Unveiling Cultural Shifts: Insights from Philippe Coulangeon's Open Guest Lecture
Unveiling Dynamics of Change: Insights from the Workshop on Culture, Inequality, and Democracy
A varied group of media and democracy experts have signed on as scientific advisors in the Prepare project.
Bergen Media Use Research Group professor Brita Ytre-Arne will hold a keynote at the conference Emerging Directions in News Use Research.
Ph.d candidate Mehri Agai has spoken to El Paìs about how digital disconnection is more demanding for adolescents than adults.