The Digital Public Sphere: Challenges for Media Policy
Editors Jostein Gripsrud and Hallvard Moe have recently published a new book with Nordicom. The book The Digital Public Sphere: Challenges for Media Policy, builds on the Digicult project and explores how media policy is changing in a digital public sphere.
Main content
Until recently, media policy was thought of as national, media-specific, and as part of the cultural domain. All is changing in a digital public sphere: first, by the processes of globalization in a broad sense; second, by a blurring of borders between media, which can be summed up as convergence; and third, by a more far-reaching commercialisation of the media. The transformation triggered by these developments are ongoing and have been so for quite a few years. Thus, it is time to take stock. The different contributions in this book set out to do that.
With basis in the idea that media policy is fundamentally about regulating the public sphere in accordance with central democratic ideals, the book covers a wide range of issues: Transnational online television distribution; the trouble with building and opening digital audiovisual archives; the impact of recent EU regulations on global conglomerates as well as national public service broadcasters; the debate on net neutrality; the idea of the participating public in policy-making; the regulation of freedom of speech on the internet; as well as the impact of legal globalization on media policy itself.
The Digital Public Sphere. Challenges for Media Policy - 2010, 167 p. - ISBN 978-91-86523-02-2, (Research Anthologies and Monographs) - Nordicom
Jostein Gripsrud is professor Hallvard Moe is associate professor at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies.
Other contributors include Postdoctoral fellow Ole Johan Mjøs, assistant professor Karl Knapskog and former guest professor Sandra Braman.