Kari  Soriano Salkjelsvik's picture

Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik

Associate Professor, Latin American Literature
  • E-mailkari.salkjelsvik@uib.no
  • Phone+47 55 58 22 74
  • Visitor Address
    HF bygget
    Sydnesplass 7
    5007 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7805
    5020 Bergen

My research addresses the Latin American cultural production and intellectual history of the nineteenth century, focusing on the relationship between narrative, Catholicism, and conservatism, particularly in Mexico. I also have a special interest in "sketches of manner", one of the literary expressions of costumbrismo that refers to popular short texts depicting local daily scens, habits, and social types published in the 19th-century press.

I am currently partner in the project Conservative Sensibilities: Literary Imagination and the Press in Nineteenth-Century Latin America (2019-2022 - Vetenskapsrådet ID 2018-01171), in which Andrea Castro (University of Gothenburg) and I have studied how literature and other cultural artifacs articulated positions that competed with the liberal script of progress; not frontally as it is usually studied, but rather infecting life and narrative from within, creating and preserving a conservative perception of the world.





Podcast guest:

Månedens klassiker i oktober 2022. Hundre års ensomhet – Gabriel García Márquez. Bergen Public Library. Ed. Joanna Pacula, Robin Van de Walle, and Hanne Rømsing Sæverås. 18 October 2022 (On Spotify and Soundcloud)

Conversation series: Conservative Sensibilities

To be found as podcasts in https://soundcloud.com/conservativesensibilities

  1. "Sensibilidades Conservadoras: Emociones normativas y antinormativas. Una tertulia con Ana Peluffo. " Andrea Castro and Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik held a video-conversation with Ana Peluffo (UC Davis). Zoom conference. 8 November 2021
  2. "Sensibilidades conservadoras: escuela, familia y teatro en el siglo XIX. Tertulia con William Acree” Andrea Castro and Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik held a video-conversation with William Acree (Washington University in St. Louis). Zoom conference. 11 May 2021
  3. “Sensibilidades conservadoras: canon, tecnología y multitud en las sensibilidades conservadoras.” Andrea Castro and Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik held a video-conversation with Fernando Degiovanni (CUNY Graduate Center). Zoom conference, 23 March 2021
  4. “Sensibilidades conservadoras: bandidos, lo gótico y lo sublime.” Andrea Castro and Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik held a video-conversation with Juan Pablo Dabove (University of Colorado Boulder). Zoom conference, 8 December 2020 

Digital Exhibition:

Paseo Poético por Andalucía, imagen y verso. Museo de la Autonomía de Andalucía, Sevilla. From 25 May 2021. (https://sway.office.com/ScTDL2AU29biqVS1)


Exhibition: Paseo Poético por Andalucía, imagen y verso.

  1. Ayuntamiento de Estepa, Estepa. 20 Frebruary – 5 March 2018.
  2. Teatro Cómico Principal, Córdoba. 8 – 30 April 2010.
  3. Fundación Cámara Sevilla, Sevilla. 11 February – 12 March 2010.
  4. Museo de la Autonomía de Andalucía, Coria. 7 May – 31 July 2009. 


"Literary Feasts." MLA "What's the Word?" Radio Program. Prod. Sally Placksin. New York, 2003. 

I have over 30 years of teaching experience in Norway, the United States, and Spain. In my current position as  Associate Professor of Latin American literature, I have been responsible for creating, coordinating, and developing courses at the undergraduate and graduate level (SPLA100, SPLA108, SPLA118, SPLA208, SPLA258, SPLA312, SPLA314, and SPLA315). I have also created and taught SAP100, a course that aims to demonstrate the professional competence that language studies provide through practice in institutions and establishments abroad or in Norway.

As a teacher, I help students learn specific literary and cultural contents as well as general communicative competences in Spanish. The overall goal of my classes is to reveal to my students the literary and cultural production of the Spanish-speaking world. However, I believe that foreign language programs in higher education should foster and sustain continued progress both in theoretical content and in language proficiency. More specifically, I endorse a curriculum desing that aims to anable students to function successfully in a Spanish-language academic context as well as in everyday environments.

Current Ph.D. Advising:

At UiB, I am currently advising Kristine Seljemoen. Her dissertation explores how medicine practices and health and beauty products were represented in the 19th-century Central American press. The working title of her dissertation is "Health and Loveliness: Narrating Daily Life at the Costa Rican Fin de Siècle" and it is expected to be submitted in December 2026.

I am also co-advising Adriana Ramírez at the University of Havana. The working title of the dissertation is 'Un involutarion sollozo de mi alma': el discurso de la sensibilidad en Francisco (1875) and the expected submission date is April 2023.

Defended dissertations:

Gianfranco Selgas: Regionalismo ensamblado. Medioambiente, modernidad y reacción político-cultural en Latinoamérica (1930-1940) (co-advisor, University of Stockholm, March 2022)

Marta Sánchez-Salvá: El caleidoscopio salarrueño: desplazamientos y devenires en la obra literaria y pictórica de Salarrué (University of Bergen, November 2021)

Boris Badía: El neobarroco de la obra poética de J. Kozer: residuos e identidad (co-advisor, University of Havana, April 2021)

Alissa Vik: From nu huayno to música mestiza: New genres, spaces, and identities in contemporary urban fusion music in Lima (University of Bergen, January 2020)

Published teaching materials and articles in the fields of didactics

My interest in didactics and research-based teaching has resulted in the publication of nine articles in specialized journals, as well as two textbooks and one book chapter for the use in the Spanish classroom. In my research articles, I offer alternative theoretical approaches to teaching literature and culture in Spanish for non-native speakers at the university level. These publications reflect my development as a teacher in time as well.



Many of Soriano Salkjelsvik's are accesible at ResearchGate and Academia.edu

  • Show author(s) (2023). Libros decimonónicos. Relecturas y rescates desde la sensibilidad conservadora. Revista Letral. 1-9.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Lecciones de geografía para niños de bien: el Diario de los niños (1839–1840). Decimonónica. Revista de Producción Cultura Hispánica Decimonónica. 103-120.
  • Show author(s) (2021). “Lanchitas” (1877), de José María Roa Bárcena: realismo sacramental literario y el proceder de la religión. 20 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2021). The Coexistence of Traditional and Modern Medicine in Costa Rican Sketches of Manners. 23 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Sensibilidades conservadoras. El debate cultural sobre la civilización en América Latina y España durante el siglo XIX. Iberoamericana Vervuert.
  • Show author(s) (2021). El siglo xix desde la sensibilidad conservadora: nuevas perspectivas. 9-36. In:
    • Show author(s) (2021). Sensibilidades conservadoras. El debate cultural sobre la civilización en América Latina y España durante el siglo XIX. Iberoamericana Vervuert.
  • Show author(s) (2020). Pedagogical Programs for a Period of Crisis: El museo mexicano (1843-1845). Tiempo Histórico: Revista de la Escuela de Historia. 37-55.
  • Show author(s) (2019). "Este monte es mío: geografía, derecho y moral en La parcela (1898) de José López-Portillo y Rojas". Bulletin of Hispanic studies (Liverpool. 2002). 145-162.
  • Show author(s) (2018). "Reflexiones para una práctica docente de integración de destrezas y contenidos en los programas de español a nivel universitario" . Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology (NJMLM). 86-100.
  • Show author(s) (2018). "Nazione e territorialità. L’ossessione geografica del Messico, XIX secolo". Nazioni e Regioni. Studi e ricerche sulla comunità. 25-40.
  • Show author(s) (2018). "Los cargadores de agua: La figura literaria del aguador de Ciudad de México en el siglo XIX". Decimonónica. Revista de Producción Cultura Hispánica Decimonónica. 29-47.
  • Show author(s) (2018). "En Busca de un Mapa Final: Geografía y Prácticas de Territorialidad en el Siglo XIX Mexicano". Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 13-23.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Revisitar el costumbrismo: Cosmopolitismo, pedagogías y modernización en Iberoamérica. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
  • Show author(s) (2016). "Revisitar el costumbrismo: Cosmopolitismo, pedagogías y modernización en Iberoamérica". 23 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2016). "Geografía militar y humana: la Guerra de Castas en Cecilio Chi, de José Severo del Castillo". 26 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2016). "El precio de la palabra: la voz indígena de Huasipungo de Jorge Icaza". Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana. 325-341.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Book Review: Juan Pablo Dabove. Nightmares of the Lettered City. Banditry and Literature in Latin America, 1816-1929. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2007. 381 pp. Revista Hispánica Moderna (RHM). 235-237.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Paseo poético por Andalucía. Diálogo ecfrático entre versos e imágenes. Centro de Estudios Andaluces.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Introducción. vii-xxviii.
  • Show author(s) (2008). "Objetos perdidos: La literatura en la clase E/LE. Europa y Noruega". Hispania. 865-876.
  • Show author(s) (2008). "Escritura y santidad: Hagiografía de Narcisa la Bella de Mireya Robles". 10 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Gyldendals øvelser i spansk grammatikk. Gyldendal Undervisning.
  • Show author(s) (2007). Gyldendals spansk lommegrammatikk, 2. utgave. Gyldendal Undervisning.
  • Show author(s) (2007). "Viajes, escritura y seducción: Historia de la monja alférez escrita por ella misma". 11 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2007). "Cápsulas culturales: el uso de refranes en la clase E/LE (nivel A2)". Revista redELE. 15 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2006). Recortar historia: <EM>El tragaluz</EM> de Buero Vallejo (Short history: Skylight of Buero Val). Neophilologus: An International Journal of Modern and Mediaeval Language and Literature. 235-248.
  • Show author(s) (2006). "Å hilse og å gestikulere på spansk: fra liste til aktiviteter med fokus på interkulturell kompetanse.". Språk og språkundervisning. 33-37.
  • Show author(s) (2006). "La literatura en clase (II): Libros de texto, actividades y el desarrollo de la competencia literaria". Biblioteca virtual - RedELE.
  • Show author(s) (2006). "La literatura en clase (I): Leer hacia la competencia literaria". Biblioteca virtual - RedELE.
  • Show author(s) (2005). "Spansk boom i Bergen: ny modell for innføringskurset ved UiB.". Språk og språkundervisning. 8-14.
  • Show author(s) (2005). "Må vi velge? Språk og innhold i spanskundervisningen på universitetsnivå". UNIPED. 10-19.
  • Show author(s) (2004). Gyldendals Spanske lommegrammatikk. Gyldendal Undervisning.
  • Show author(s) (1999). "El desvío como norma: la retórica de la receta en Como agua para chocolate.". Revista Iberoamericana. 171-184.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)