The research group is going on a trip to Luxembourg and Brussels.
On November 16th, the research group is going on a trip to visit ESA, the EFTA and EU courts. The program is packed with academic content, providing members with an opportunity to present their own research to key EU/EFTA institutions.

Main content
The research trip provides a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences, as well as to establish new networks. During the trip, we will, among other things, meet with judges from the EFTA and EU courts, attend hearings in a case at the EU Court of Justice, and present and discuss current EEA legal issues with ESA.
On Wednesday, November 16th, the research group will travel to Luxembourg, where we will meet both the EFTA and EU courts. The first day is dedicated to visiting the EFTA Court, where the program consists of:
- Welcome from EFTA Court president Páll Hreinsson
- Seminar and discussions:
- Presentation from legal secretary Ólafur Isberg Hannesson: "Public Enforcement of EEA Internal Market Law"
- Presentation from av BERG member Chiara Morfea: "De-Risking the Oil & Gas Sector through Sustainability Due Diligence and the EU Taxonomy Regulation: A Combined Approach in EU Law"
- Presentation from BERG member Marte Dahl Reisæter: "Limited judicial review of complex economic assessments in Competition and State aid law"
- Dinner
Thursday 17th of November: visit to the EU Court of Justice. During this visit, we will both follow the hearings in a case and meet with two judges. The program is as follows
- Follow the hearings in Case C-670/21 Successions - Politique sociale de logement dans l'Union
- Tour in the Court of Justice
- Meeting L. Bay Larsen, vice president in the Court of Justice
- Meeting J. Svenningsen, Chember president in the General Court
Friday 18th November, the research group will spend the day in Brussels. Here we will meet ESA, and the program is as follows:
- Presentations and discussions
- Presentation from BERG member Ronny Gjendemsjø: "ODA Protocol 4, chapter II, Article 3 nr. 2 and the scope for national regulation of competition"
- Presentation from BERG member Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen Barlund: "Supervision of financial services within the EEA - regulatory challenges"
- Presentation from BERG member Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen: "The geographical reach of EEA law after Scanteam"
- Presentation from BERG member Christian Franklin: "Select issues concerning the Citizens Rights Directive and the Norwegian Immigration Act"
- Discussion on LFN v. Island
16 members from the research group are attending the trip.