Research group for Legal Culture

The Landslov of 1274 – Multiple Perspectives

This conference marks the 750th anniversary of the completion of King Magnus the Lawmender’s Landslov of 1274 in Bergen.

Ornament fra middelaldermanuskript

Main content

The Landslov of 1274 – Multiple Perspectives brings together historians, legal historians, archaeologists, philologists, and other scholars to discuss the Landslov from different perspectives over four days.

Through seven sessions, the conference will therefore be concerned with fundamental themes relating to the Landslov from a range of disciplines. The law will be discussed in a comparative perspective across time and space, also focusing upon influential sources. The conference addresses questions concerning governance and medieval society as regulated by the law, focusing on both local communities and the king. Different social groups, such as women and the poor, and their roles and rights in society, will be discussed, highlighting the social dimensions of the law. The conference also addresses questions concerning law and order, focusing on both crimes and punishments. Different aspects of the text and illuminations of the Landslov will be examined, also with a focus on potential owners of manuscripts.

The Landslov was in use for more than 400 years and regulated important aspects of society, not least regarding property and inheritance, which also will be debated. The conference aims both to establish the state of the art of research on the Landslov across various disciplines and to discuss questions for future research.  

The conference concludes with a round table discussion in which participants will draw connections between and debate themes from the entire meeting.

The conference takes place in Bergen, the very place where the Landslov was compiled. Once the king’s seat in the 13th century, Bergen is now an internationally oriented city. Three buildings of great importance for King Magnus, Håkon’s hall, the Rosenkrantz tower, and the Franciscan Olav’s Church, still leave their mark on Bergen.

The first day of the conference will take place in Håkon’s Hall, Norway’s first castle, and the hall where King Magnus celebrated his wedding with the Danish princess Ingeborg in 1261. The rest of the conference will be in The University Aula at the University of Bergen.


>> View the program and more information here


Logoer for aktørene i landslovsjubileet på Vestlandet

Landslovjubileet i Vestland er eit samarbeid mellom: Vestland fylkeskommune, Bergen kommune, Universitet i Bergen, Bymuseet, Statsforvaltaren i Vestland, Den norske kyrkja, Høgskolen på Vestlandet og 1000-årsjubiléet til Moster.

Vestland fylkeskommune