Non-standard working hours in maritime sector: “Understanding non-standard work schedules, sleep and negative health outcomes in maritime workers”
The project aims to generate knowledge on non-standard work schedules, sleep and negative health outcomes in maritime sector necessary for prevention of occupational accidents and personal injuries on board. This is a key aspect in promotion of safety and health and ensure maritime sustainability while contributing towards SDG 3 (health for all) and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth).

Main content
Non-standard work schedules and long shifts are prevalent in the maritime sector. Due to the many complex tasks and processes undertaken within this sector, studies that can broaden knowledge on shift work, sleep and related negative health outcomes in seafarers are warranted.
Main study questions
The project will focus on the following questions
- What are the work schedules at sea for seafarers on different types of vessels?
- What is the incidence of personal injuries among the crew on different types of ships?
- How is shift work schedules on board related to sleep and cognitive functioning among seafarers?
- Conduct systematic review on shiftwork, sleep and negative health outcomes among seafarers.
- Determine and describe work schedules for different maritime vessels particularly in Norwegian and international (Dar es salaam) ports in Tanzania.
- Study accidents and the incidence of personal injuries in the Norwegian maritime sector.
- Empirical study on the association between shift work, sleep and cognitive functioning among seafarers.