Complete course catalog
An overview of the courses available in 2025 and registration can be found in the course calendar
Main content
NORED900 - Introduction to literature review on PhD-level
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB & associate professor Fredrik M. Røkenes, NTNU/UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED901 - Writing the synopsis in a doctoral thesis within educational sciences
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED902 - Forskningsetikk
v/emerita Marit Ulvik & professor Vegard Kvam, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED903 - Mixed method research
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED904 - Introduction to meta analysis
v/professor Kjetil Høydal, HiVolda, professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB, & associate professor Øystein O. Skaar, UiB/INN (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED905 - Analyses, ethics and reflexivity in qualitative research
v/associate professor Gunn E. Søreide, professor Astrid Tolo, professor Line T. Hilt & associate professor Anne Homme, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED906 - Academic writing: How to write scientific articles within educational research
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED907 - The use of theory within educational research
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED908 - Qualitative research with NVivo
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED909 - Qualitative case study research
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED910 - Evidensbasert praksis og profesjonsutøving – kritiske perspektiv
v/professor Lars P. S. Torjussen & professor Henrik Berg, UiB (2 ECTS), course information
NORED911 - Kvalitativ metasyntese for doktorgradskandidater og doktorgradsveiledere
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED912 - Introduction to systematic review on PhD-level
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED913 - Educational leadership in the face of global threats
v/professor Florian Kiuppis, associate professor Eivind Larsen & associate professor Inga Støren, NLA (1 or 2 ECTS), course information
NORED914 - Governance and policy in education: Analytical approaches and frameworks
v/associate professor Helene M. K. Eide, UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED915 - Inclusion and diversity: Fundamental questions to be asked at Ph.D.-level
v/professor Frédérique B. Børhaug, VID & professor Solveig M. Reindal, NLA (1 or 2 ECTS), course information
NORED916 - Education dilemmas in forced displacement
v/associate professor Inga Støren & associate professor Wills Kalisha, NLA (1 or 2 ECTS), course information
NORED917 - Qualitative research: An introduction
v/associate professor Fredrik M. Røkenes, NTNU/UiB (1 or 3 ECTS), course information
NORED918 - Critical and practice-oriented educational research
v/associate professor Geert Thyssen, HVL (1 or 2 ECTS), course information
NORED919 - Sociology of education: Older and recent studies and theories
v/associate porofessor Annfrid Steele & professor Unn-Doris K. Bæck, UiT (5 ECTS), course information
NORED920 - Introduction to research methods and statistics
v/professor Robert Smith, NLA (2 ECTS), course information
NORED921 - Writing the synopsis
v/professor Ursula Småland Goth, NLA (1 ECTS), course information
IPED921 - Literature review at PhD-level
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB (3 ECTS), course information
Doctoral supervision program
v/professor Rune J. Krumsvik, UiB, & senior researcher Gitte Wichmann-Hansen, Aarhus University, course information