Came to Bergen and Norway to examine the private education market
Itay is taking a PhD at UNC Chapel Hill. This semester he is visiting Sampol.

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Sampol have an exchange program with UNC Chapel Hill. It is connected to the CONTEST project (The Politics of Contestation in Europe and the US). It’s goal is to increase the mobility between UiB and UNC Chapel Hill.
As part of this collaborative project, Itay has been on an exchange stay at the Department of Comparative Politics this semester.
When did you arrive in Bergen and when are you leaving?
I arrived in mid-March and will leave come July. While this period doesn’t align with the standard American or Norwegian academic semesters, my project required a unique timeframe. Luckily, the good folks at SamPol were more than happy to accommodate my request.
What is your PhD project about?
I study the privatization of the welfare state and came here to examine Norway’s private education market.
Why did you choose an exchange semester at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen?
SamPol is an excellent department producing fascinating work! In addition to heavy hitters like Cornelius Cappelen and Georg Picot who have thematic interests that are close to my own, there is an excellent academic community here. Not to mention the adjacent sociology and government departments which offer a tremendous additional resource!
How is your daily life in the Bergen? What do you think of the city’s culture, nature, excursions, travel, or other activities?
Bergen is a welcoming town. It has great public transit and an active city center. Norwegians and Bergensers are particularly invested in outdoor activities including hiking, skiing, climbing and bouldering. In short, there isn’t a shortage of pastime activities around here.
Would you recommend others to travel on an exchange to UiB?