New Research Project: «Fairness, personal responsibility and the welfare state»
The project seeks to ascertain how much personal responsibility citizens believe they have for their own income. Professors Stein Kuhnle, Siri Gloppen, and post-doc Cornelius Cappelen represent the Department of Comparative Politics in the project.

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Welfare cuts and personal responsibility
In the context of likely future cuts in welfare benefits to ensure sustainability, «Fairness, personal responsibility and the welfare state» (FPRWS), which is led by Professor Alexander Cappelen of the Norwegian School of Economics, will investigate how much personal responsibility citizens believe they have for their own income, as well as determinants of support for welfare state programs. Project partner Professor Stein Kuhnle, Professor Siri Gloppen, and Post-doc Cornelius Cappelen represent the Department of Comparative Politics in the project, which is funded by NORFACE.
- These attitudes will in turn affect the legitimacy of the welfare state, Cappelen says.
Mapping Personal Responsibility Views
The project will map views on personal income responsibility in Europe and the US.
- What explains difference in support for welfare programs, asks Cappelen, who considers the project's interdisciplinary cooperation between Norwegian, Austrian and Dutch economists and political scientists advantageous to answering this question.
The project will apply a range of methods: field experiments, laboratory experiments, surveys and survey experiments. It was one of 14 out of a total of 192 applications that received a grant, which Kuhnle sees as indicative of the quality of Scandinavian welfare state research.
Click here for more on the project.