Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

News archive for Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

Jim Lorens' research group in Tumor Cell Plasticity was June 18th 2015 awarded with the Best Research Group of the Year 2014 by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen.
Centre Director Lars A. Akslen and Communications Adviser at CCBIO Marion Solheim were invited to the NUAS conference at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm to share how CCBIO communicate their research activities.
Robert Kerbel, a leading expert on angiogenesis and Professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics University of Toronto, Senior Scientist at the Sunnybrook Research Institute (Toronto), and a Canada Research Chair in Tumor Biology and Angiogenesis, visited Bergen on June 11th. He gave a top lecture “Antiangiogenic Therapeutics in Oncology: Overview, Update, and Future Directions” at the joint... Read more
A new course at the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers aims to support young cancer researchers to make good decisions in matters of life and death.
Many of the world's top cancer researchers presented the latest in cancer research when the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers invited to a two-day symposium at Solstrand.
The Council of Europe, with its 47 member states, has for years been involved in international efforts for human rights and bioethics. In particular, it is known for the so-called Oviedo Convention that outlines ethical principles for biomedicine.
Katarzyna Wnuk-Lipinska defended April 7th her PhD thesis “The role of Axl signaling in phenotypic plasticity in normal and neoplastic epithelial cells” at the University of Bergen.
Professor Arne Östman from Karolinska Institutet is recruited in a 20% position as Adjunct Professor in Molecular Biology at CCBIO.
Ida Wiig Sørensen defended 12.02.15 her PhD thesis «Molecular Characterisation of Integrin a 11 Function» at the University of Bergen.
Medication that inhibit AXL effect is developed as pills and now in clinical trials.
Filosofisk Poliklinikk - "The Philosophical Polyclinic" - a Norwegian think-tank for medical philosophy - featured CCBIO Director Lars Akslen in their public meeting in Bergen on the 4th February. The meeting was one of a series of four on challenges of health prioritization.
The first week of the PhD course 'CCBIO903: Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects' was held from the 19th to the 22nd January.
The Helse Vest Strategic Program has granted 15 mill NOK to CCBIO in collaboration with Helse Bergen and Helse Stavanger for the project “Personalized cancer therapy – biomarkers in clinical trials” (2015-2019). CCBIO recently also received funding for several individual projects: two with funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and three Helse Vest grants from Samarbeidsorganet.
The CCBIO Research School's new PhD course on the Ethical, Economic and Social Aspects of Cancer Research, CCBIO 903, is open for enlistment.
5 of CCBIO's Principal Investigators received recently 9 million NOK in total from the Norwegian Cancer Society.
The TRANSCAN program (European Research Area Network on Translational Cancer Research) has just announced their allocation of funding.
Invited by Marion and Donald Gullberg, the renowned cancer researcher and science celebrity Zena Werb visited Bergen this week and held a combined BBB & CCBIO seminar on October 2, 2014.
