Sharing results of 14 years of Norwegian-Cambodian collaboration
The Cambodian – Norwegian collaborating team presented research results at the 10th Congress of the Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

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The 10th Congress of the Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (ASCAPAP) gathering around 300 participants from Asia and Australia. One day were pre-conference workshops on autism, family therapy in an Asian context, early intervention and psychopharmacological treatment of young people. Then followed two days’ congress with keynote presentations in the morning, symposia and free papers the rest of the days and poster exhibition.
A Cambodian – Norwegian collaboration on competence building in child and adolescent mental health has gone on for 14 years (for more about this project. see other posts on this web-side). We presented together three posters, one open paper and a symposium. All represented ongoing or completed research projects at Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CCAMH) in Phnom Penh.
Mental Health Interventions for Siblings of Children with Developmental Disorders through an Innovation Asian-European Collaboration
Presenters: Somaly Buy, Bhoomikumar Jegannathan, Torun Vatne, Krister Fjermestad
The intervention was developed at Frambu Center for Rare Diseases in Norway, and are under adaptation to a Cambodian context. An open study from CCAMH with 54 siblings of children with autism, epilepsy, intellectual disability , ADHD was presented. The results showed that both parents’ and children’s mental health had improved six months after the intervention, but there was no change in quality of family communication.
Free paper
Burden and Mental Health of Caregivers of Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability
Presenter: Dearozet, Sok
Psychologist Dearozet Sok have arranged groups for parents of disabled children over years. In a survey she found that their mental health was poorer compared to parents in general.
The effectiveness of ArtS Based Therapy (ABT) for children with Emotional and Behaviour Problems (EBP).
Selia Im, Puthy Pat and Bhoomikumar Jegannathan
**Won an award for the third best poster.
Mental health Problems among young prisoners in Cambodia.
Pythy Pat, Miguel San Sebastian, Bhoomikunar Jegannathan
Knowledge and skills exchange in child and adolescent mental health – A Cambodian – Norway collaboration.
Marit Hafting, Gunn Aadland, Puthy Pat, Bhoomikumar Jegennathan

The Cambodia – Norwegian team at ASCAPAP 2019:
front row: Krister Fjermestad, Torun Vatne, Dearozet Sok, Somaly Buy,
back row: Torun Vatne, Bhoomi Jegannathan, Marit Hafting, Selia Im.
ASCAPAP 2019 was an opportunity to show CCAMH as an emerging competence center in child and adolescent mental health in South East Asia with the main pillars: clinical service, human resource development, capacity building, out-reach services to remote provinces, research and documentation.