Important Meeting on Nutrition at University of Kishasha
Friday May 8, the Minster for Higher Education and Universities in DR Congo, Dr Théophile Mbemba Fundu, invited to an awareness-raising of GROWNUT.

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GROWNUT is a master and PhD program at Kinshasa School of Public Health (KSPH) at University of Kinshasa in collaboration with Departments of Paediatrics, Dietetics and Human Nutrition at University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, and Center for International Health at University of Bergen (project leader A. Hatløy).
The program is funded by the NORHED program in NORAD. The meeting was attended by participants from international organisations, ministries and academia, and a large number of television stations. Presentation about the current nutritional situation in DRC was given by PRONANUT – the national nutrition program under the Ministry of Health. Dr Mapatano from KSPH, presented the new master and PhD program in nutrition epidemiology. The students started in November 2014. This meeting raised the awareness of the need of such competence in DRC.