Climate and energy transition

News archive for Climate and energy transition

The world’s sea level was at one time ten meters higher than today. Researchers have now discovered where the water came from. 
According to Håvard Haarstad, scientists have to commit to doing everything they can to get society moving in the right direction. His own commitment to saving the world earned him a night in prison in New York.
In partnership with Palau's UN Mission and IOC-UNESCO, the University of Bergen arranged a side event at Our Ocean to discuss the science necessary to secure marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction as part of international law.
190 scientists, students and ocean enthusiasts gathered in the University Aula for the inaugural Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference and speeches on current research and inspirational speeches on a sustainable ocean.
“A new deal for nature is on everyone's lips,” said Ambassador Peter Thomson in his public lecture after becoming an honorary doctor at the University of Bergen.
Climate scientist Elisabeth Holland has become the Norway-Pacific Joint Chair of Oceans and Climate Change. The position builds on a voluntary commitment at the 2017 UN Ocean Conference. #OceanAction18613
How can the academic community make an impact to get vital information on climate change across to decision-makers? By engaging in the type of quiet science advice provided by Benjamin Pfeil and his team at the University of Bergen.
Can technology solve Earth's need for transformation? This was the major question at the SDG Bergen panel debate during the Arendalsuka 2019 festival.
The University of Bergen visited the High-level Political Forum to strengthen the science policy advice in the approaches to and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We recount the proceedings from two hectic weeks in seven brief chapters.
The challenges for the science-policy nexus to succeed were discussed at a side event hosted at Norway's Mission to the UN. The conclusion was that science may not be questioned, but is in danger of being ignored.
“It was good to see all UN member states discuss climate at the High-level Political Forum, understanding the need for less talk and more action. Solving the climate issue is key to all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
Educating the climate researchers and leaders of the future and at the same time showing the scope and diversity in climate research in Bergen, is one of the aims when University of Bergen researchers are involved in several sessions at the UN in July 2019.
The University of Bergen's pioneering approach to the SDGs has brought the university in direct contact with the United Nations to provide scientific advice.
The SDG Bergen initiative is presented in a special 10-page section in the UiB Magazine.
Biologist Dorothy Dankel believes that credible and salient management of cultural and ecological heritage sites is crucial to supporting a sustainable ocean economy. Her new research project, LoVeSe-SDG, is funded by the Research Council of Norway.
A seminar in Bergen explores how the Ocean can be better regulated to ensure the balance between the harvesting of natural resources and the need for conservation.
Tired of hearing about lifestyle and behavioural changes for sustainable energy transitions? Can you think of a better structural solution? What is your idea to transition to a low-carbon energy system while enhancing social equity?
The second day of the 2019 SDG Conference Bergen focussed on how the academic community can bring its knowledge to decision-makers locally and globally.
