Climate and energy transition

News archive for Climate and energy transition

“It was good to see all UN member states discuss climate at the High-level Political Forum, understanding the need for less talk and more action. Solving the climate issue is key to all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
Educating the climate researchers and leaders of the future and at the same time showing the scope and diversity in climate research in Bergen, is one of the aims when University of Bergen researchers are involved in several sessions at the UN in July 2019.
The University of Bergen's pioneering approach to the SDGs has brought the university in direct contact with the United Nations to provide scientific advice.
The SDG Bergen initiative is presented in a special 10-page section in the UiB Magazine.
Biologist Dorothy Dankel believes that credible and salient management of cultural and ecological heritage sites is crucial to supporting a sustainable ocean economy. Her new research project, LoVeSe-SDG, is funded by the Research Council of Norway.
A seminar in Bergen explores how the Ocean can be better regulated to ensure the balance between the harvesting of natural resources and the need for conservation.
Tired of hearing about lifestyle and behavioural changes for sustainable energy transitions? Can you think of a better structural solution? What is your idea to transition to a low-carbon energy system while enhancing social equity?
The second day of the 2019 SDG Conference Bergen focussed on how the academic community can bring its knowledge to decision-makers locally and globally.
From building a global student movement to the crucial role of universities, the first day of the 2019 SDG Conference Bergen was diverse in its engagement with global sustainability.
Dilemmas in implementing rapid transformation of the energy system to reach the Paris targets are many. Our expert panel present and discuss major challenges and possible conflicts between the SDG goals.
In February 2018, Victoria W. Thoresen and Jakob Grandin were key participants in the inaugural SDG Conference Bergen. The first national conference in the world bringing the university sector together in critical debate to engage with the UN's 2030 Agenda.
Floating wind turbines keep getting bigger, giving us more energy. A UiB-project will measure the wind's capabilities in an entirely new fashion, paving the way for more efficient wind energy at sea.
Climate-Ocean research and tipping points are common denominators in three new EU funded research projects at the Bjerknes Centre. Christoph Heinze, Noel Keenlyside and Svein Østerhus together with Petra Langebroek received a nice pre-Christmas present, as EU gave their thumbs up for the three new projects. 
Young researcher Basile de Fleurian embarks on a project that seeks to understand more on how glaciers slide. In turn, this knowledge will provide a better prediction of sea level rise. 
Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment Ola Elvestuen meets with researchers, Pacific island representatives and civil society at the COP24 summit in Poland for dialogue on Arctic-Pacific climate conditions, with a particular focus on SDG13 and SDG14. Follow the side-event live from 13.15!
Climate researcher Tore Furevik suggests that Norway should think big. Offshore wind can turn the country into a zero-emission society, as well as creating a major boost for the economy.
Earlier this autumn Peter M. Haugan was appointed member of the expert group for the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. He is now preparing to attend the first meeting - in his hometown Bergen.
Norway's national Long-term plan for research and higher education has been revised to create a stronger connection between knowledge for sustainable development and scientific advice. SDG Bergen and UiB's leading role is highlighted in the plan.
