Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

News archive for Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

In this presentation, Jonathan Økland Torstensen, associate professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, present ongoing work on optimization of hydrogen production through hydrolysis of water and pyrolysis of natural gas respectively, and discusses aspects of the two methods and their potential utillity in large scale hydrogen production.
In this presentation, Per-Oddvar Osland discusses how customer flexibility can contribute to solving challenges related to the increased pressure on the power grid, such as power peaks. The presentation will be held in Norwegian language.
Did you miss this seminar, where member of the Energy Commission, Liv Monica Stubholt, presented some of the central element in the commission's report? Watch it here!
Did you miss Gerard A Virgili's presentation on optimizing energy supply of a Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) to reduce the carbon footprint? Watch the presentation here!
Offshore Wind 2040 (OW2040) is on track to become a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) by the end of 2024. If the Research Council of Norway approves the FME application, OW2040 could become a world-leading hub for offshore wind development.
Did you miss Dhayalan Velauthapillai's BEL Lunch seminar presenting on research on nanomaterials for solar cells, Hydrogen and energy storage applications at Western Norway University of Applied Science? Watch it here!
Did you miss Finn Gunnar Nielsens presentation of NVE's report on new areas for renewable energy production at sea? Watch it here! Please note that the presentation was given in Norwegian language.
Did you miss Kristin Margrethe Flornes presentation of Eviny's pilot project from PILOT-E to develop solutions for increased flexibility in the power system? Watch it here!
In this presentation, Ingvald Torblå, CEO of Odda Technology, presents the plans and current status of the Green energy project Hardanger Hydrogen Hub.
Did you miss professor Ahmad Hemmati's presentation on Energy Informatics? Watch it here!
Wind energy has a very high potential for improvement, especially with regard to wake effects of the turbines within large wind farms. This work focuses the emphasis on potential of aerodynamically optimized wind park layouts and wake steering through yaw angle control.
Did you miss Jonas Solbakken and Velaug Myrseth Oltedal's presentation of HyValue? Watch it here!
Did you miss Peter Koch's presentation on green propulsion in shipping? Watch it here!
Did you miss Dr. Abdullah Al Arif's presentation on how offshore wind farms (OWFs) and fisheries interact within a climate change context? Watch the recorded webinar here!
Did you miss Jon O. Hellevang's presentation on seabed minerals and their role in the green shift? Watch it here!
Did you miss Runar Strand and Anne Jordal's presentation "Decision-making tools for roof-mounted solar panels"? Watch it here!
Did you miss Nils Møllerup's presentation "Bergen Harbour towards zero emission"? Watch it here!
