Employee Pages
EU funding

Project Establishment Support (PES)

The PES scheme by the Research Council of Norway is designed to relieve the cost burden related to the preparation of project proposals to Horizon Europe.

Main content

We are working on a new system for PES for 2025-27 - the page will be updated soon! If you need PES funds immediately, please contact your administration!


UiB administers an annual framework grant from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to cover UiB’s Project Establishment Support (PES) and Positioning Funds (POS) expenses. Researchers cannot directly apply to the RCN for these funds, but they must inform their departments about their application and financial needs.

PES-Project establishment funding (PES)

  • PES funding is granted to researchers who are in the process of writing an application to Horizon Europe. 
  • PES-grants will be transferred to the Faculties/Departments based on the number and type of Horizon Europe applications that are registered as sent in Unit4  AND in LEAR Liv-Grethe Gudmundsen's project overview (via Dept. declaration*) by the end of the year. 
    • Note: PES support will only be triggered if the submitted project proposal is formally approved (“eligible”) by the European Commission.
  • Unused PES funds may be carried over to the following year.

*always send a copy to the Local contact point.

PES grants cover expenses in relation to:

  • Travel, accomodation and meeting costs. 
  • Procurement of external assistance and consultation. Ordering external consultation must be done by a purchaser at your institute. UiB has signed a framework agreement for pre-award services
  • Compensation/refund for work done in relation to a specific Horizon Europe-application. 
  • Cost of partner search/establishment of project consortium.
  • Search in patent databases.
  • Note that the compensation/refund will go to the Department/unit.

The Research Council of Norway offers free external consultancy services from PNO to HEU applicants for grant application review or for mentoring and concept development. If you need free consultation please contact Adviser Inger Nordgard by email: inn@forskningsradet.no. Send information about call/topic, application deadline, who is part of the consortium and draft proposal (if possible) so that a matching PNO-consultant can be identified for your application. 

The Faculties will receive the following PES-grant amounts in 2024 for each submitted and eligible Coordinator Proposal (in NOK):

Coordinator applications

Pillar 1

MSCA Doctoral Network

75 000

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship

25 000

MSCA Staff exchange

35 000


75 000

ERC Starting Grant 

60 000

ERC Consolidator Grant 

60 000

ERC Advanced Grant 

60 000

ERC Synergy Grant (UiB is coordinating institution) 

80 000

ERC Proof of Concept

10 000

ERC Round 2 (interview)

25 000

Research Infrastructure 

75 000

Pillar 2

RIA/IA Topic budget up to 5m EUR

150 000

RIA/IA Topic budget >5 – 10m EUR

200 000

RIA/IA Topic budget  >10m EUR

250 000

RIA/IA round 2 (2-stage proposals)

30 000

CSA (Coordination & Support Action)

100 000

European Partnerships (HE and H2020)

50 000

European Partnerships 2 (2-stage proposals)


Pillar 3

EIC Pathfinder

75 000

EIC Transition

75 000


CSA Widening participation and Spreading Excellence (incl. COST)

60 000

Reforming and enhancing the European Research and Innovation system

60 000

Partner application

All schemes

2nd stage




POS - Positioning funds

POS funds can be used for

  • positioning to profile and promote individual researchers as a participant in upcoming Horizon Europe applications
  • participation in thematic forums, strategic networks and partnership consortia, where national interests can be safeguarded in connection with the design of strategic research and innovation agendas, work programmes, "Missions" and other ventures in Horizon Europe
  • strengthening internal EU competence beyond training the RCN offers free of charge.

Unfortunately, no positioning money is available in 2024.
