Store norske leksikon
UiB's researchers can provide basic knowledge directly to the general Public, by using the online encyclopedia Store norske leksikon.

Main content
Store norske leksikon is a free and open source of knowledge for the public. The dictionary is written by experts, its contents are based in science, and it aims to cover all research-based knowledge. Store norske leksikon is run by Foreningen Store norske leksikon, in which all the universities, Fritt Ord, Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi and Sparebankstiftelsen are members.
Store norske leksikon is Norway's largest website for research dissemination. It has two million monthly users, and 200,000 articles are read every day. Students and pupils are the biggest readership groups for Store norske leksikon.
The content is written by experts in charge of specific fields; most of the experts work in Norwegian universities. The content is quality assured in terms of being verifiable, using sources critically, and being pedagogically appropriate and accessible.
In 2015, UiB had 33 experts in charge of a field for Store norske leksikon and 5 expert contributors writing articles for the site. The experts in charge were responsible for 97 fields and 5,210 articles. Another 22 article writers for Store norske leksikon are affiliated with UiB; they wrote a total of 706 articles.