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Purchases and procurements

Setting up a framework agreement

When there is a continual need for making small and speedy purchases of similar goods or services, and the need is not covered by an existing framework agreement, setting up a new framework agreement should be considered.

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When will a framework agreement be of benefit?

When there is a continual need for making small and speedy purchases of similar goods or services, establishing a framework agreement will be of benefit.

Why enter into a framework agreement?

Framework agreements reduce the administrative costs of every relevant purchase, because prices and terms of delivery, warranty and maintenance are agreed in advance. Framework agreements also put UiB in a better position to influence suppliers to attend to human rights, worker's rights, and to pursue sustainable development and environmental standards. Framework agreements can cover different university faculties, departments and other unities. For this reason it is wise to consider if other entities might have similar needs when establishing a framework agreement.

A framework agreement can be entered into with one or multiple suppliers. As a rule, the duration of the framework agreement is limited to four years.

If you have suggetions for new framework agreements, please contact the Procurement section.