Employee Pages
Election 2024 - University Board

Candidate Ida-Elise Seppola Asplund

Main content

I am an outspoken person from the Arctic (Tromsø) who is committed to diversity, climate action, and equal treatment of employees at UiB.

With a lot of energy, system know-how and enthusiasm, I am ready to improve the daily lives of all PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and scientific assistants.

As the leader of the student parliament in Tromsø, I learned about the strategic and operational management of a university. There are many considerations that must be balanced to find the best solutions. It is key to understand the process and system, while also positioning oneself correctly to advocate for those one represents.

When I was an advisor to the mayor of Bergen, I gained insight into how the world outside Nygårdshøyden views us at the university, as well as familiarity with relevant stakeholders on which UiB depends. This is important when we are to communicate what we are doing and reach legitimate decisions for both the university and the community around it.

As a trainee at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, facilitated by the Bergen Chamber of Commerce, I gained a better understanding of the higher education sector from the perspective of a different educational institution. This is useful for collaboration and development in a knowledge region where UiB is to be the leading force.

Now, I am researching women and their political careers at the Department of Government, and take joy in enthusiastically communicating our research.

The consequences of the climate crisis are growing larger, and there is increasing inequality and polarization in our society. I believe these are the most important challenges that we as a university and as a society must take seriously. Therefore, I am committed to ensuring equal treatment among and within employee groups, greater diversity, and climate-smart solutions.

Even though we are group B-employees, we should not be the B-team! Additionally, there is too much inequality within group B. Salary, working conditions, research funds, and access to equipment varies. Significant differences between departments lead to unfair outcomes.

Women drop out the further they progress in their academic careers. Minorities are strongly underrepresented. This needs to change. A good university is one with a diversity of abilities, backgrounds, and lived experiences. Addressing this is how we can become better and smarter, together.

Climate action is necessary. Many employees want the opportunity to make environmentally friendly choices at work. It can be anything from being compensated for travel time when using public transport, to being able to choose reuse over brand new equipment. It's cheaper, and good for the environment.

It is good to be a group B-employee at UiB. But we need a clearer voice. I aim to be that voice. Throughout my studies and professional life, I have felt how difficult it can be to obtain the rights and fair treatment one is entitled to. I am not afraid to fight that battle on behalf of us all.

I hope to earn your trust to represent group B on the university board at UiB. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions or suggestions - I want to hear from you!

Number: 99592595 / Email: ida-elise.asplund@uib.no

Best regards, Ida-Elise Seppola Asplund